If Money Was No Object, What Would I Do? [Part 2]

One of the ideas I have kicked around the most over the last 10 years or so is:

A Completely Independent, Self-Sustained, Man-Made Island Nation that has its own government!

I have thought of numerous ways to achieve such a goal, as I have thought of numerous reasons why it should be achieved. The simple truth is that a completely independent nation that can be moved (or even hidden) and is comprised of the greatest and brightest minds of the times would make for an amazing place. The technology, medicines, cures, etc. that would come out of such a place.....a place devoid of government bureaucracy and oversight.....would be mind-boggling!

The idea to build such a nation is relatively simple, but time-consuming and expensive. To reduce complexity and costs it could be achieved by:

  • Creating a centralized design for a large (aircraft carrier sized) ship that is self-sustaining and can move under its own power. This ship would have docking powers on all four sides and once docked with another ship(s) all electric, water, sewer, etc. would be coupled to the other ship(s). These ships would have a completely flat top dock with nothing protruding above the top (main) deck. There would however be areas of the deck that can raise and lower like a Cockpit (for when the ship is being moved to location). The ships would need to be air/water tight to a depth of 5,000 feet even when connected to other ships. This would allow for the entire city (island nation) to be submerged in times of severe weather, natural disaster, nuclear disaster or potential invasion. Of course the ships would also be shielded against Radiation, both Nuclear and Electromagnetic.
  • Build a massive amount of these ships, each one configurable for different tasks. Some would be rigged as living quarters, others as entertainment hubs, others as food production (farming), medical and food preparation, technological research, scientific research, medical research, waste processing, etc.
  • Assemble the ships together to form multiple man-made islands. The main island (the largest) would be where everyone lived, farmed, ate, etc. Then there would be a smaller island near by with medical research (bio-hazzard), a third island would be comprised of scientific research (toxic, explosive, etc.) and a fourth would be comprised of technological research.
  • Smaller ferry boats would shuttle people to and from the islands they worked on. The ferry boats would be stored inside one of the ships comprising the main island nation when not in use.
  • Multiple Satellite Antennas on each of the 4 islands comprising the nation would provide Internet Access and communication with the world, but all production/research computers would be on a private network between the 4 islands themselves.
  • The three smaller islands could also serve as landing strips for helicopters and smaller aircraft while the main island nation would serve as a landing strip for large (commercial) aircraft.
  • Attached to the main Island Nation could be a Casino/Resort ship (the only one that doesn't have a flat top deck) and it would be more like a Vegas Hotel/Casino looking ship. It would also be air/water tight to 5,000 feet and would sink with the island nation if need be.

The idea is to build a massive Floating Think Tank, then to get the new island nation recognized by the world community as a Sovereign State we would add a Tourist Attraction to draw in outsiders. The revenue generated from the tourism would offset the cost of maintaining the island nation and any resources not produced locally. It would also establish the island nation has having permanent residents, regular visitors, income and get it recognized by world leaders.

Some of my ideas are a little more feasible than others, on a scale of 1 to 10 I rate this one as having a Feasibility of 6.
* The lower the number the less likely it would be to achieve! *

Make sure to follow me @venuspcs so you don't miss future postings! Thanks and Happy Steeming!

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