If money was no object, what would I do? [Part 1]

So I have always been one to contemplate scenarios like this one. I decided after a long hiatus from Steemit that I would come back and start a new series and share some of the ideas I have had over the years with my loyal followers. So here goes:

If Money Was No Object, What Would I Do?

One of my most recent ideas/ambitions is to move to Colorado and buy out an old Silver or Gold mine. One with miles and miles of shafts and tunnels. The idea is to retrofit the tunnels and shafts into a permanent, underground habitat. But not just any habitat, I am talking a completely self-sustained habitat that can be isolated for a 1000 years and no one would ever have to leave the habitat. A habitat that is air, water, toxin, radiation proof...the ultimate doomsday bunker. To help offset the cost of building this habitat the first priority upon acquiring the mine would be to setup a massive Marijuana grow operation in the deepest and darkest recesses of the mine using UV lights and heavy duty exhaust fans.

With each new harvest the monies earned would be used to build out the remainder of the habitat and seal it off from the outside world.....or atleast make it so it can be sealed off with a push of a button should shit hit the fan in the USA or on a Global Scale.

The habitat would eventually store millions of gallons of fresh water, have it's on composting sewer system, enough plant life to keep the air clean and CO2 levels minimal and enough plant and animal life to sustain 1,000 people for 1,000 years.

There would be massive Solar and Wind Turbine power production on the surface that charges up a massive stockpile of batteries in the depths of the habitat. Most lighting will be done using chemically luminescent paints through out the habitat to reduce power consumption, additional lighting will be low voltage DC LED lights. Generators that run on Hydrogen (Water) will supplement the power reserves should the habitat be sealed and the above ground Wind and Solar fails.

There would be a full state of the art medical facility in the habitat along with stockpiles of frozen, freeze dried or hermetically sealed medicines, herbs, seeds and so forth. In fact there would be enough reserve supplies that the surface of the Earth could be completely obliterated and 1,000 years later the habitat occupants could begin to repopulate the planet with plant and animal life.

Some of my ideas are a little more feasible than others, on a scale of 1 to 10 I rate this one as having a Feasibility of 9.

Make sure to follow me @venuspcs so you don't miss future postings! Thanks and Happy Steeming!

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