We need major changes on steemit ASAP.

Steemit is becoming like a more of a "Central Banking System" and "Bilderberg Meetings"

Currently on steemit, minnows and dolphins stand no chance but to either get the money, invest in SP and pay the bots. However if invested in SP and self-voted, you will be bullied or flagged by some, i wont name them, as it would be better if you experience it.

So some lazy Whales (who became whales by buying into high SP), delegate it to different projects/bots, to earn extra bucks without making any posts. Some would become "Witnesses" aka Steem miners (only 3-5 witness are active and participating in the future of steemit)

Most of the New members with high SP are just Writing crap and paying the bots to trend. Minnows here do not understand that by upvoting shit content only for some rewards, is actually stupid, you anyways donot make much, you are promoting shit content, you are wasting time and at the end you are "Cutting off the nose to spite the face".

All this nonsense will lead to the collapse of steemit. Most of them donot talk about this, but 100z-1000z of new members stay here for a couple of months and leave it (ones who cannot buy into high SP).

Dan left steemit for EOS, which is by far the best project, as he saw the flaws of steemit, he is smarter then all of us combined. Also if you see, some of the whales that are famous on youtube and else where, make money here and then it is shifted to some other exchange asap. Why?

The bots and flagging system have ruined steemit, and whales are not bothered as they have the money to pay to use them and have high SP, so if you mess with them even if they write crap, they will flag you.


Here are some points iv been mentioning:

a) We need good content on trending page, and no 2 liners or only specific content related or of specific members only or just a dinner shot.

We can eliminate the bots, or the bots should review each and every content in terms of its length at-least. A bot should have limits to upvoting similar tag contents daily. For eg. If someone makes a content related to steemit, there might be 10 other members making similar contents or at-least using the same tags. So instead of seeing 10 similar post on trending page, we see only 3 max. This way we get to see variety of content on trending page, instead of only steemit related. Same goes to other topics.

c) Need genuine Meritocracy, not fake (Give Fair chance to everyone, not just the rich)

Most of the members with low SP are feeling this, as everyone is not rich to spend on bots and buy high SP. Current situation is such that nobody bothers. I got to know about steemit watching @dollarvigilante. Even though i joined alot later, still the community was a bit fair, but now its not at all fair. You can only survive if you have the money. Its sad that the community has become like the Government, where Whales are the elites, Witness are central banks, dolphins kiss asses, minnows are confused and just want to keep their mouth shut coz they are scared of being flagged and Meetups/Fests are like "Bilderbergs" or maybe alot of ass kissing going on there too, just like in the chats.

d) Meetups/Programmer related posts should be funded privately, and not by trending.

This is not called good content. Needs a separate page for it like an UPDATE or ANNOUNCEMENT page without votes. This can be easily done. Have you ever seen Quora or Minds getting their own posts on trending page? This what happens when you give power to "Greedy Immature Nerds".

e) We need Reward limits, Posts limits and Comment limits, and elimination of self votes or limits to max self votes.

I guess if we keep max 300$ per post one can earn, and max 2 posts are allowed, that comes to 600$ per day means 18000$ per month. As for self upvotes, max limit should be 1$ or below. Comments max vote should be 30$, and unlimited commenting, so in a way there are no limits to earning. However, Bots should not vote comments. And obviously you can invest in steem.

f) Minimum rewards just for posting.

A minimum reward like 1$ or below for every post with a minimum content (bots can handle this im sure) will give a boost to minnows/dolphins and will also lead to genuine wealth distribution.

h) Flagging should be removed or should have some limits.

Some of them with high SP, have been removing personal grudges by flagging. They rarely post due their high delegated steem power, and just flags the posts of members they dont like for whatever reason. They dont even post articles, and appear once in a while for some commenting and resteeming their friends posts. Some also only create those contests and meetup related posts which are extremely stupid, need to do something about that too.

Flagging should have a max limit of 80% or below so no one goes empty handed. I know this will not stop stupid posts from making money, but atleast they wont make 100z by using bots. Its a great way to distribute wealth and give opportunities to new members.

g) Or You can remove Trending and Hot page

By removing trending/hot page, one can easily fix a major issue of upvoting only for rewards. Once these pages are removed, one would only search of the posts, they would be interested in, as not everyone here is interested in personal stories or programming. There are literally 100z of different things people might be interested in, like maybe pets or aquarium hobby or stamp collection, or geopolitics or weapons or archaeology or games or sports.

Just look at the trending page, since months 80% of the posts are related to steemit and its complaints. this needs to be changed ASAP.

All the above points will eliminate the "Central Banking System for the Rich only" & "FB/YouTube content sensoring" type scenarios thats going on on steemit.

Dont turn steemit into just another scam.

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