This content got low rating by people. - A new tool to see who gave you how many upvotes on Steemit 查詢誰給你投多少票的新工具

 After using @oflyhigh’s program “A simple tool to check who muted you” to see who does not like you on Steemit, I was inspired to write a program to see who your friends are on Steemit. I have named it My Steemit Friends, accessible at, please feel free to have a go.The features of this program are as follows:

  • After entering your name on the main page and click “Click to see friends”, you will get a list of users and the number of upvotes by each user, in descending order of the number of upvotes.

  •  If you click on the number of upvotes, you will be taken to a page that lists the articles and comments which were upvoted, as well as the time and date of each upvote. 


  • If you click on the title of the articles / comments, you will be taken to that article / comment on Steemit.
  • If you click on the name of the user, you will be taken to their steemit blog.
  • You can press CTRL+F on the main page and type the name of any user you want to see how many upvotes they gave you.
  • The website was written to be responsive to all device widths, so it will still be easy to use on mobile / tablet.

I hope you enjoy this tool. If you liked this tool, please upvote and follow @magicmonk.

Chinese version of this article provided below: 

 感謝O哥 @oflyhigh 大作 A simple tool to check who muted you! / 查询谁把你拉黑了。這給了我靈感,想到可以設計一個網頁,讓大家查詢誰是喜歡你的朋友。我把這個網頁命名為我的steemit朋友,, 歡迎大家隨時點進來查詢誰是你在steemit上的好朋友,總共給你投了多少票。這個網頁的使用說明和特色如下:

  • 在主頁輸入你的名字,然後點擊 “Click to see friends”, 你就可以看到一系列朋友名單,以及每一位朋友給你投票的總票數。票數愈多,排名愈前。
  • 如果你點擊投票總數,你會被帶到一個頁面,顯示一系列被投票的文章或評論,以及每一次投票的日期和時間。
  • 如果你點擊文章或評論的標題,你會被帶到Steemit上的這篇文章或評論。
  • 如果你點擊朋友的名字,你會被帶到你朋友在Steemit上的網頁。
  • 你可以在主頁上同時按 CTRL和F ,並且輸入任何Steemit使用者的名字,來尋找該使用者是否在名單內以及投給你多少票。

這個網頁的設計適合所有的螢幕寬度,方便於手機或平板上使用。如果覺得這個工具好用, 請惠賜一票並關注 @magicmonk

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