Tips and Goals on Steemit for 2018 - How to Build Your Account!

Today's we're going to be talking about ways to reach your goals in Steemit for 2018. Today's article I'll cover ways or things you can do to build your Steemit account. Thank you guys who were making suggestions or asking for tips and advice. It allows me to create great content. I'm gonna list a number of things you should do, now let's get into it.


Invest in your Steem power. It allows you to earn bigger curation rewards and allows you to upvote people's content and give them more. It also shows to other people out there the big whales. Those people who have been on the platform since day one. It shows people that you're serious about being here long-term by investing back into the platform. If you're trying to build your account, go ahead and do that, you're investing in yourself.


Pick two or three categories to write about or blog about. You'll probably start off with five-six maybe even ten different things. There are some exceptions to this rule if you're just writing about maybe your daily life. But if you're just having a basic Steemit blog where you're trying to gain a specific following, you need to whittle down that category list to about two or three things you're talking about on a regular basis. Just choose two or three topics you're gonna be talking about or gonna be writing about, that way you can really get an audience that is very specific to you and they're gonna be following you. You won't lose followers too because they know exactly what you're going to be posting about.


Post daily or several times per week. I can't stress this enough. A lot of people want to post once a week and think they're gonna build up their Steemit account. That's not going to happen. You need to be doing this every single day if possible, if not a few times a week and that will depend on what category you choose or your subject. Just keep your content coming along for your audience. Keep them interested and keep them focused on you.


Create irresistibly headlines. Be mindful of your headlines. Headlines are everything, that's the most important part. That's the first thing people see, that way they click through to read more.


Proofread your articles and edit it before you post. Make sure everything is perfect. Make sure you're going over everything, especially if you're a writer. Make sure your sentence structures are correct.


Pick a good tag. Make sure that you're choosing your tags wisely, pick the best categories to use with your post. You get to use five tags and you should use five tags for every single post, even if you have to make up a tag you don't even know if it's really a category out there. Make sure you used all five, that's gonna help your article to get visibility. It's gonna help people to find it.


Engaged with your following and take suggestions. Take suggestions on what people wanting to hear about and what they're wanting to learn about. People took time to comment on your post so make sure you take your time to talk to them. Take their suggestions and their ideas to make better content, not only for yourself but for them. Always listen and engage with your following and take suggestions.


Rewarding your following with upvote. Reward them for commenting on your post and providing suggestions. Also, respond to every comment if you can and let them know that you appreciate their comment.


Follow related news. If you're going to writing or doing a video on your subject, you need to know about it. You need to know what's going on in the news. On how the industry is evolving and what's going on inside of it so you be on top of it and you could post content about it but you can share in the conversation below your post if somebody has a question.


Curate content and help other Steemians. Not only should you be focusing on your blog and getting that build up, you need to be going out to people's post. Leave comments and share feedback and upvote. You need to share the love here on Steemit, that you're not only just focused on you but that you're focused on helping other people as well. That's the way Steemit works. If it wasn't for your following, you would be nothing. It's the same as any other platform like Facebook or Instagram.


Don't focus on the money. If you're so caught up in just the money and you're just wanting upvotes. You're gonna lose sight of what's important. You're gonna lose sight of the great content you want to be putting out there for people. If you're not putting out great content if you're not communicating with your followers. You're gonna lose.


Start contests on your channel. I just started doing this. I'm offering some Steem dollar for one lucky person who upvotes and comment on my posts from here on out. For every post I do. One person who comments my post is gonna win. I will pick a random winner.

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