Why Steemit is better than other Social Networks?


Why steem is best?

2017, a year when oxygen and social media carries equal importance 😀, smartphones and laptops have become organs that pumps blood in our body.

Here are some of the Top reasons why i found steem is better then other social media networks for authors, bloggers, followers and readers.


Ofcourse, this one is the top reason, i will not talk about it in details as most of us knows that.
But the point to mention here is, from top post to a good comment and even upvote will earn you some reward.

Can you believe that if you like someone's post on facebook, will that earn you a reward?
Or if you retweet something on twitter, will it give you even 1 cent?

But on steemit, even if you are not author and you red a nice story and posted a valuable comment, your language and expression style is liked by people, chances are you may earn nice rewards.

It's like walking in the library, and reading a book free, at the time of leaving you gave your nice views about author to the librarian and the librarian and other people standing, collected 5$ and gave it to you for nice comments.
Yes, this is what steem network is, you will be rewarded if people like your action.


This is another long lasting idea from the creators,
If you are at another social media place and you want to share something intimate then you can do it once or twice before your account get banned for showing explicit​ material.
The story is different here on steemit because once you marked your post as nsfw you will never be flagged for it however copyrights rule should be followed.

This is also good for viewers, the readers as per default settings they will not see NSFW post, and a notice will appear on the post making the original post hidden, if you want you can click reveal button to see the post. This is good for many reasons.

The major reason why i post in parts is not to double my rewards but i want to make the post average enough to make it readable for everyone. This post will be concluded is next part.

Thanks for reading.

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