My Steemit experience - Day 7 - One week Steemit anniversary recap!

The best and worst about Steemit

It's been a whole week already and I've already seen a lot: I've seen my own posts succeed and fail, found great people creating awesome stuff, seen people spam and beg for upvotes, browsed trending content which was great, discovered new content that was even greater and I already got a decent feel for how to approach stuff on here successfully.

I'll start by briefly recapping each day, before closing the post out with some more general thoughts and bits about my first week here on Steemit. You can click on each day's title to get to the post in case I got you interested!

Day 1: Not completely lost, but could use a map

My first day consisted of mostly trying out everything there is to see. I managed to figure out a few things pretty quickly thanks to the FAQ page and some other great resources from users! Even though I didn't make my introduction post until day 2, I already felt welcomed by the community! I went in with zero expectations and I was pleasantly surprised. My goal for day two was learning more about Steemit and properly introducing myself.

Day 2: Overwhelming response

The next day was crazy! My introduction post got more attention than I could have ever dreamed of. It certainly felt really great to get to respond to so many comments and see how many people were interested in general. I didn't really check, but I would expect that not all that many introduction posts from people like me with close to no online-persona built up previously get as much of a quick start. Thanks once more to every person who has helped!

Day 3: Picking up the pace

The third day was when I started to try to improve the quality of my posts, I had learned a little about what I can do with the markdown and html formatting and tried to use that properly, to make my content look more appealing. After the boom of the last day I expected a major drop off and in fact my next few posts got very little attention. I didn't let that bring me down though, I tried my best to keep the quality of my posts up. Day 3 also had me think a lot about what makes Steemit such a special place in my opinion.

Day 4: Applying what I've learned

For my day 4 post I decided to bring up a theory of how a community can cooperate properly to all gain something from each other with help of an 'explorable explanation' showcasing the social science behind the evolution of trust by the awesome Nicky Case. I tried to apply the main conclusions to Steemit and found out that Steemit should in theory work very well when it comes to community cooperation and building up trust.

Day 5: A more skeptical angle

Contrary to the optimism from the day before, day 5 was all about me asking skeptical questions about possible abuse of Steemit and what it could lead to. Can a Steemian become so powerful that no one can stop them or what if people come to Steemit with the worst of intentions or should it be possible to buy Steem Power to begin with? All those questions weren't answered in that post, and that's exactly why you should read it!

Day 6: Sarcasm, please

The final day to review was my satirical attempt at poking fun at some users, whose intentions might not be completely in line what the vast majority of this community deems appropriate. I was partially inspired by @mikepm74 who specifically asked for a less serious attempt at summing up the feels of a new Steemian. I'm fairly happy with how the post turned out in the end!

Day 7, the full week and beyond

I'm still fascinated by this place. I don't mean to say it's perfect or that I could not live without it, but I really enjoy being here. In my previous posts I've already mentioned how I expect this place to have a big impact on the shape of the internet in a couple years and I can only imagine this platform to get better with every new user bringing greater diversity to it. I really have to think about where I want to go from here, I'll receive my first rewards on this platform soon, but don't worry I'm not planning to run off with what I've made so far. I'm still struggling to say 'earned' because of how new the concept of being rewarded directly for posting and curating content is to me. Anyways what I need to do at this point is consistently keep thinking of new ideas on what to post and I'm hoping to not let you all down. Depending on what I can think of I'll post as often as I can and we'll see where this is heading from there.

Thanks for reading and to everyone who's been supporting me so far. I really appreciate each and every one of you. See you soon!

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