My Steemit experience - Day 4 - What defines a community?

Four days in this community already!

So another day comes to an end and so far my enthusiasm hasn't let go. Something I find especially fascinating about this place how everyone benefits from everyone else around. If you make good content you get rewarded for that, but if you're just browsing what's already there and upvote or comment on others people's work you're rewarded for that as well! And it works the other way around too, because to find good content to upvote said content has to be there first and if others find and upvote it both gain from it. So by participating you create a win-win situation for us all! This actually reminds me of an interactive experience I found just recently: The evolution of trust made by Nicky Case, which I'd recommend you to check out!

(image source)

Why is this relevant? Well it comes to three main conclusions that I believe are all important to not just build up trust but also a working cooperative community:

  1. Repeated interactions between each other (if you know for certain you will never interact with each other, there is very little reason to cooperate)
  2. A possible win-win-situation (cooperating with each other needs to have benefits for both sides interacting)
  3. Keep miscommunication to a minimum but be forgiving about some mistakes

Luckily I believe we have all of these here. Repeated interactions with each other every day, especially because it's not the largest community out there yet, so the chances you get to interact with other users multiple times is relatively high; A possible win-win-situation where content creators benefit from the ones seeing their content and the other way around through content and curation rewards; And lastly the clarity the block chain provides should help to easily distinguish between a mistake and an intention. Miscommunication will still exist, but it should be noticeably reduced.

So in short, that should mean we cooperate to make this platform the best it can be and everyone wins! Hooray!

What I've been up to

Well four days have passed and I've already found a few people to follow and some tags I enjoy browsing. In an attempt to contribute to the community I've tried to browse the 'new' sections as much as possible to discover good content not many had the chance to see yet. There's a lot to see but sometimes it's really hard to decide what I should vote for. Sadly there's only so much room in the very top of a page, so I usually just try to use my gut feeling to decide what to look at and then decide whether or not to upvote based on how much effort I feel was put into the post as well as how much I've enjoyed it. Even though my post yesterday didn't get as much attention as my previous ones I'm overall really happy with my situation here. Originally I didn't expect even a single person to click on my posts, let alone read, upvote and comment on them. I'd really like to thank everyone who takes the time to do that! Apart from that I'm getting more used to the platform, I'm starting to not feel lost anymore and it becomes easier to use Steemit on a regular base. 

That's all for now, I hope I can keep up the pace and share more with you in the coming days!

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