Steemit started as a experiment to see what it would be like if a media platform was decentralized. Earth started the same way. Don't believe me?

Think about it
Thinking and Awareness.png

Before money, before cars, before houses, before the rail road and planes and boats government and blah blah blah

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There was just humans. It was decentralized. Then as time went on, the more powerful of the group started to make the rules. Think of earth like it was steemit. "Early Investors" of EARTH "original families" would already be more powerful then those that came later like me and you. Its like life could be one big EARTH BETA. Yeah let that sink in. I don't take a position on if life is a simulation or not but just imagine if it was. If it was Earth Beta. The creators wanted to see what life would be like in a decentralized manner and so we are here now and end up turning it into centralized only later, thousands of years later now trying to turn it BACK decentralized with bitcoin and steemit and etc what ever else happens in the next years to come.


makes you at least say hmm

So, whats the future of steemit..... Comment down below

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-Get that crypto

Respectfully as always

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