Veritudicide: STEEMIT is censoring the most timely and necessary posts re: The New World Order ... Be Warned...they are just another part of the Zionist full spectrum propaganda machine

This is how STEEMIT censors you. They allow anyone to 'flag' your post. Then it 'dissappears' from the general population of posts, and unless one of your 'followers' UPVOTES it within 7 days, it dissappears from the STEEMIT platform, even though it is permanently a part of the blockchain. This is so typical of Zionist censorship. Pretending to be targetting 'hate speech' and 'fake news'. Pretending that they do not censor. Which is the most violent of all censorship. As I warn people, one day you won't even know censorship every happened. You will have no reason to question anything you have been told. THAT is the most powerful censorship of all. To pretend that you have been given access to ALL the information, when being asked to give your 'informed consent'. Assuming they bother with THAT pretense in the future !!!

At least one post of mine has been 'made invisible?' 'removed'? 'blocked'? 'censored' by Steemit. It placed the faked / false flag Syrian gas attacks in the context of all the previous false flags and faked gun violence 'incidents'. Sadly it appears I wasted my time coming to Steemit, to avoid censorship,including the 'banning' of 3 of my books. Can you guess what THEY were about? Email me for 'free' copies.

Would that be vericide? veritudicide? Liberticide?

And I am told the post will exist as long as the block-chain some smart 'lawyer' for the 'jews' will claim it is NOT censorship...people just have to 'upvote' the post...but how can they do THAT if it is not VISIBLE ? ... THAT is just as truthful as all the other Zionist propaganda claiming we have 'freedom of speech' and that Israel is NOT an apartheid state, or that 'Jews' do NOT control the mass media, world finance, or 'Jew' diciary...

1984 'Newspeak' I guess, right?

Soviet 'Pravda' anyone? (It means 'truth' in Russian)

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