[Map Out Your Next Moves] Week 2 of 4 - YOUR "WHY"

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Your “Why”

This can seem to be a simple and obvious question and we are usually quick to reach for the obvious things, as to why we do what we do, but in this post, I want to guide you to dig a little deeper.

First, let’s look at, why is it so important to have a “why”?

Having a why gives, what we do, things like purpose, an agenda, intention and justification. We do things for specific reasons, but we aren’t always aware of why.

In business, this concept has proven to be a very important key aspect for developing a true vision and mission. It shows that there is more beneath the service of what we do, and why we do it.

Here, is an amazing explanation by Simon Sinek, for using a “why.”

As you can see, how powerful it is to have clarity around your "why" and that it's where your vision and mission is inspired from. It’s where you will make the connection with people.

If you take note, of those that you follow, you'll notice there are those underlying reasons as to why you follow others, buy products, etc.

It’s really a question of, what do you stand for? What do you believe? What is your outlook and vision? And then communicating that message throughout your work, writing, marketing, products, etc.

It makes for a more sustainable foundation to what you’re set out to do. If you’re in the space of writing, being an influencer or selling a product or service, you're really looking for a loyal following or customer base.
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Why having a “why” is more than just attracting the right people?

It’s a beneficial aspect for your own mindset. As we set out on a new path of business and/or creating content, it can be a difficult and confusing path. There are so many variables and it takes a lot of perseverance and passion to navigate through and stay on course.

Having a “why” that you’re very confident and clear on, can help keep you inspired and motivated, even when times get tough. You can remind yourself “why am I doing this again”?

When you answer yourself on that question, it should spark excitement, inspiration and the drive to keep going.

How do I come up with my “why”?

I believe the best way to come up with our own clear why, is through exploring desire. We can all reach for those quick obvious reasons, like financial gain, time freedom or a specific cause that we hold dear to our hearts, but the magic question is “how does it make you feel?”

How do you want to feel?
The most common quick answer may be words like “good” or “great”, but these words are so broad and unspecific, that don’t really have a whole lot of feeling to them.

Using work inspired by The Desire Map -Danielle Laporte, it explores this concept through breaking down different areas of your life. Because, when we dig deep into this, we realize that we want to feel different ways in different areas of life.

The goal with desire mapping, is to come up with your core desired feelings in each area life. Example of these ares would be -Relationships, Work, Lifestyle, Health, etc.

As you go through the different areas of your life and ask that same question, how do I want to feel? (in this specific area of life?) New feeling words begin to surface that are going to be more accurate and not so broad like “good.”
Ex: Abundant. Loved, Appreciated, Creative, Energized, Excited, Connected, Grounded, Joyful... and so on. There are so many words that can better describe how you want to feel in all areas of life.

So using this and going back to “why we do what we do?” =“because it makes me feel a certain way.”


What things make me feel the way I want to feel?
What topics do I write about that make me feel that way I want to feel?
What do I want to create that makes me feel that way I want to feel?

I hope this post help sparks inspiration for clarity around your "why"!

I would love to challenge everyone that takes part by after the 4 weeks, writing a post to share "Your Next Moves," what your intentions are moving forward and what everyone can expect to see.

You can use the tag #mynextmoves. I would love to hear! (For those that engage in the comments each week + write their post with the tag #mynextmoves, I will choose 1 winner to receive 2 Steem at the end of the 4 weeks)

Introduction to Map Out Your Next Moves

Week 1- “Your Super Power”

*I'm a week late on this post but I will still post Week 3 this week as well, I apologize.

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