1000 Followers And The Effects Of Social Medias On Your Brain!


I just noticed that I have over 1000 followers! I want to thank everyone who follows me and reads my posts :)

While to some people 1000 followers might not seem like a lot, it is for me!

I created an account here over 6 months ago and I love every minute of being here.

I did have to go away from Steemit for a few months, but it happened because I had some problems in my life.

I've been really active for over a week now and my follower count is steadily increasing every day.

I guess, most people who follow me, did that because I'm commenting on a lot of posts lately. When people see your comments, they might check your profile and follow you if your content is interesting.

So, if you want to grow your follower count, start commenting. But don't just comment something like "follow me pls" "good post" and so on.

Nobody will actually upvote or follow you if that's the way you roll :D

Just leave comments that are relevant to the post. Maybe as a question or add something useful. That way you'll be exposing yourself to thousands of eyeballs!

And that's what you want, right? Eyeballs! So go get those balls! Sorry... I mean EYEBALLS...

The Effects Of Social Media

If I had thousands of followers on any other social media, I wouldn't really care.

I basically stopped using any social media. I only use messenger for chatting with my friends.

I suggest you stop using social media as well. It's an addiction that changes the way you feel, act, behave, communicate, etc...

It has so many psychological effects, it might ruin your life.

Most people are addicted to getting likes and shares, because they feel good. It releases dopamine as if you achieved something.

While in reality, those likes and shares give you no value whatsoever. BUT, you get used to it and it becomes your daily goal.

You want more and more recognition. You slowly start to spend a lot more time on those social medias and it's making you unproductive.

The Masses Are Being Brainwashed

We are being brainwashed by many things daily. Be it TV or video games, they are full of subliminal messages.

But social media is where most people are and it's no exception.

The richest people can use money to throw their opinions at hundreds of thousands people. Even if it's something fake and completely wrong, people will believe it.

Nobody ever looks up if the information they are seeing is true or false. Everyone blindly believes whatever is being told to them.

Each social media is used to manipulate and plant new beliefs into people's minds.

So, are you still happy to be on social media? Yes? Okay, let's go further...

It's Becoming Worse and Worse

I was born when there were no smartphones or any big social medias (they existed, but they were not popular yet).

I actually had to go out and interact with my friends in real life. My childhood was spent staying outside and doing crazy shit.

Now, I see every kid has a smartphone and every one of them uses Facebook or even some other social medias.

They are being brainwashed since their childhood. And the dopamine release is fucking up their psychology.

When these kids grow up, they will all be anti-social, depressed and anxious, because they will be afraid of human interactions.

By interacting with people on the virtual world since childhood they will never learn how to actually communicate or behave in the real world.

All their goal will ever be, is recognition on social media. To get some likes and comments on their profile pictures how cute they look.

Social medias were designed to make you feel good about these likes and whatever, so you would stay there forever.

You Can See Examples Of This Every Day

Before everyone was on social medias, do you remember how it used to be when you met up with you gang?

Everyone would be talking about something, interacting, communicating and doing something fun and memorable.

Nowadays, you meet up with your friends and everyone is sucked in to their phones. Chatting on Facebook or constantly checking the feed.

Because of that, no real conversations are happening and everyone feels weird to even hold eye contact.

People also became less creative when it comes to coming up with any fun activities. Why would they be creative when everything they need is on Facebook?

And by that I mean recognition (likes, comments, etc...).

The dopamine release is so good that people don't really need any real life activities anymore. Our brains are no longer searching for ways to have fun in real life, because you're having fun on social medias all the time.

The creators of these social medias knew how our psychology works and they took advantage of that. They used our vulnerability and screwed up the masses.

So, do you still want to stay on social media? You decide.

You can also check out this video if you're interested in this topic:

Once Again


I'll even dance for you...


(Yes, that is my face indeed)

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