New Studio Monitors w/Dtube Payout & 400 Steem Power,THANK YOU Dtube!


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My Yamaha HS08 studio monitors arrived late last night, all thanks to Dtube !


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The support from the blockchain has been unreal, my first 2 months on Steemit/Dtube changed my life forever. These Yamaha HS08 studio monitors will be taking my music to the next level on the blockchain. My content just got a HUGE level up in quality.

I'll be spending the next few days configuring my room and setup to get these speakers in good position. I'll be ripping everything apart and my setup might look different in a few days, growing pains.

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The results for all this work will be well worth the effort. my sound should translate to various sound systems much better than now. Translation is very important to music once you start pushing sounds to listeners. You want to be sure the sound will keep it's meaning and passion. Bad translation can make your music sound very bad on various sound systems.


I've always just did the best I could with headphones and listening to my sounds on a few other devices. My ghetto mastering days are over thanks to Dtube and Steemit. These Yamaha HS07 are far beyond anything I could of afforded alone.

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I'll be going down to the local music shop today to get wires and maybe some stands, the studio will really start to look polished over the next few months. Room treatment is another part of the equation but I'll focus on that a bit later.

I need to thank anyone who has supported my work in the past,present or future. It means the world to my content and music.

Till next time, stay creative



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