Easy Motivation Hacks: Dominate Your Business, Your Life, Your Passion and Your Creativity

 Motivation is literally the desire we have to do things. It is the difference between waking up before dawn to get started on a particular projectand lazing around the house all daywatching TV.

 It's the crucial element in setting and attaining goals.  Research shows you can influence your own levels of motivation, but far too often, we fail to do so. Staying motivated can be a real struggle. When trying to maintain motivation, our drive is constantly assaulted by negative thoughts and anxieties about the future.  

  There are three major reasons people fail to maintain motivation.

 Lack of confidence : Simply put, if you don’t believe you can succeed, what’s the point in trying, right?

 Lack of focus: If you don’t know what you want, is there anything you really want ?

Lack of direction:  If you don’t know what to do, how can you possibly be motivated to do it?

 Motivation Tips

Here are 50 Life and Motivationhacks you can use to improve and maintain motivation.  

The first three tips should always be done to improve your chance of success and help maintain motivation.

1.  Know what you want to achieve—

If you don’t know what you want to achieve, how will you know when you achieve it?  Deciding exactly what you want to do is the beginning of staying motivated to finish it.

2.  Determine the steps to reach your goal—

There are things you need to do for anything you want to do.  Knowing what the steps are will give you a guideline.  They’ll also give you mini successes as you complete each step.

3.  Devise a plan—

Though there may be many steps to take, it is necessary to know in what order you need to achieve them.  If possible, alternate between those that are easy to achieve and those that will take longer.  This way, you don’t go through long periods of time without completing part of your plan.  It will help you feel more successful if you complete parts of the plan often.Goals provide focus. With no guiding plan, people tend to drift. Goals also provide a measuring device for progress, enhance productivity, improve self-esteem, and increase commitment, so you're more likely to achieve whatever you set out to conquer.

4.  Increase the challenge of your project—

If you’re lacking motivation to do anything, try something you've never done before. Simply thethought of doing something new and exciting can give us temporary motivation.  

5.  Remember success is your personal responsibility—

You need to believe that initiative, effort, and persistence are key factors in achievingsuccess. Too many times, individuals are more likely to view success as dependent on available resources and situational constraints.  They simply say the task was too difficult for outside reasons.  Where there’s a will, there’s a way, and it is your responsibility to find it.

6. Think of demanding tasks as opportunities—

When facing a task where success is uncertain, think of it a challenge or an opportunity.  Don’t think of them threats that may lead to failureand embarrassment. This causes you to give up beforeyou start.  

7. Remember striving for achievement can be enjoyable—

Perseverance pays off.  Approaching each task with dedication, concentration, commitment and involvement can help you maintain motivation.  You may find you enjoy it, and the obstacle isn’t nearly as difficult as you figured it to be.

8. Learn to value achievement striving—

If you value hard work in and of itself, you’ll enjoy it more,and therefore, be more motivated.  Unfortunately, too many people view it as not “cool.”  Their typical excuse is that working too hard may only keep them from having a social life, or even cause them to have a heart attack.  What it really does, however,is lead to success and happiness in their lives.

9. Improve your skills—

Sometimes you may have a goal that you don’t have the necessary skills to achieve.  Don’t give up!  Skills can be improved.  Sometimes all it takes is practice.  

10. Learn what you need to learn—

If information is keeping you from achieving your goals, determine ways to fill in the gaps, and build this into your action plan. Be willing to study and work hard to reach your goals. 

11. Persistence works—

Continued effort and commitment will overcome initial obstacles or failures. Don’t see an early failure as a sign of things to come. Remember the old saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”  Once you achieve your first success this way, you’ll be less apt to give up and lose motivation too quickly in the future.

12. Try living in the now as if it were the future that you hope to have—

For example, if you want to lose weight, don’t think of yourself as someone struggling to lose it.  Think of yourself as someone pounds Something trivial even, then you’ll develop the momentum to begin the more important stuff. 

34. Know yourself—

Get to know how you think.  If possible, keep notes on when your motivation starts to fadeand when it’s extremely high. There maybe a pattern that, once you are aware of, you can work around and develop. 

35. Track your progress—

It will help to keep a tally or a progress bar for ongoing projects. Seeing the progress bar grow can be a big motivator, because when you see something growing you will always want to nurture it. 

36. Help others—

It may be surprising how much share your ideas and helping friends get motivated can help you keep yourself motivated.Seeing others do well will motivate you to do the same. 

37.  Write about your success and get feedback from readers—

Start a blog or a place on your website where you can write about your success.  Getting positive feedback from others can help you maintain motivation.

38.  Take a break—

No one wants to work all the time.  Sometime it helps to take a break and rejuvenate yourself.  Then you can return to the project with a clear head and a renewed motivation.

39. Have a cause—

Having a cause you care about isa powerful source of motivation. Such cause can inspire you to give your best even through the difficulties. It can make you do things you thought were impossible. Somecauses could inspire you temporarily, but a cause that matters to you can inspire you indefinitely. It’s a fountainonf motivation that will never run dry.

40. Have a big dream—

Karen Ravn said:  “Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”Having a dream is important because it’s difficult to be motivated if you don’t have anything to shoot for. Just having a dream, however,is insufficient. Your dream must be big enough to inspire you. It must be realistic but challenging. It must stretch your ability beyond your comfort zone.

41.  Be hungryfor it—

Wanting something isn’t enough.  To be truly motivated, you need to have hungerand not just desire. Having mere desire won’t take you through hardtimes since you don’t want things badly enough. In many cases, hunger makes the difference between the best performers and the mediocre ones.

42.  Do it your way—

Don’t try to do it better than someone else.  Comparing yourself with others is an effective wayto destroy your motivation. Even if you start with enthusiasm, you will soon lose your energy when you compare yourself with others.The only competitor you have is yourself. The only one you need to beat is you. 

43. Take one more step—

Every journey beginswith the first step.  When you meet obstacles along the way, there could be the tendency to quit. You may think that it’s too difficult to move on. You may think that your dream is impossible to achieve. What makes a winner instead of a loser is the courage to continue.  In difficult situations, focus on taking one more step forward. Don’t think about how to complete the race. Don’t think about how many more obstacles are waiting for you. Just focus on taking one more step.

44. Let go of the past—

One of themost destructive things to motivation is your past.  Your past can drag you down before you realize it. Your past can give you a heavy burden on your shoulders. Take it off your shoulder and leave it. You might have made mistakes in the past. You might have disappointedothers with what you did. The good news here is—it’s over. It’salready in the past and there’s nothing you can do about it. Remember today is a new day and you have the chance to start again. No matter how bad your past might be, you still have a bright future ahead waiting for you.

45. Try tackling the worst jobs first—

By doing this, you get the worst job out of the way first and then the rest of the day is a piece ofcake. Once we’ve done those horrible, distasteful jobs, everything else on your list looks much more appealing.

46.Face your fear—

The truth is often much less dramatic than we make it out to be in our minds.  Don’t allow false expectations and fears keep you from doing things.  You’ll learn that if you do, your success never stood a chance against your fear.  Before you work yourself into hysteria try toface your fear instead. What is the worst thing that could happen if you fail?  There may not truly be something absolutely awfulthat could occur.  You may just be setting up false expectations due to fear.  

47.Reconsider Your Path—

If you find that you’re frequently not motivated to do the things that need to be done, maybe you should be examine things, and then consider doing something else on a regular basisinstead.If you have to talk yourself out of bed in the morning by saying you have no choice in the matter and must resign yourself to the task at hand, this could be a good choice for you.  Life should offer some excitement and adventure along the way...at least enough that youdon’t mind so much about all those little things that make up the mundane parts.  If you’re finding that the mundane drastically verwhelms the adventure, then no amount of motivation will make you see it differently. Tryto find something that doesn’t require so much motivation to get it done.  It should be something that lights that fire and gets you excited without any extra effort on your part. If you do, you won’t need to worry about self motivation.

48.Hold yourself back—

When you start a new project, you are probably full of excitement and enthusiasm.  You probably have no sense of self-limitation.  Moving full-steam ahead can be great, but it can also cause you to burn out fast.  If you force yourself to hold back in the beginning and plan out a course of action to gradually increase, you’ll prevent burnout and keep your motivation high.

49.Join a group to keep you motivated and focused—

It can be online or offline. By being a member of this group or association, you will have regular conversations with people with common goals that are free to speak their mind about your ideas.  If it is an online group, you won’t know or probably ever meet the other, so you don’t have to worry about hurting each other’s feelings.  You can get really great ideas, share your ideas, improve your success and keep your motivation high.

50. Put up a picture of your goal in a visible place—

putting up pictures of things that otivate you areone thing.  Having a visual picture of your goal is another.  Say you want to take your family to Hawaii with the bonus from this project.  Your family would be your motivator, but pictures of Hawaii would be your goal.  Seeing it regularly can give you avisual sense and keep you focused on the goal without losing motivation.

 It’s a scientific fact—

Something in motion tends to stay in motion. Momentum builds quickly and can lead to great results. Suddenly, you’re not only working for the goal, but also to keep your streak alive.  You’ll gain even more reasons to reach your goal, and more practice at staying motivated.  



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