Please Vote for My Dad for Tallahassee’s Best Dentist of 2018

My Dad for Tallahassee's Best Dentist of 2018. Please take 45 seconds and VOTE!


Here is a chance for the community to really back me as an individual contributor.

Please Click on this Link to VOTE for MY DAD

My dad has always been the guy to go out of his way for his patients. He's caring, his work is top notch and staff are always full of southern smiles and happiness. Great bed side manner for those of you that HATE dentists and doctors. He's a solid and great dentist and for ONCE he'd really like to win the TOWN's Dentistry Awards this year.

My dad is aging and is still working his practice at age 69. We always dreamed of doing the AMAZING RACE after I did BIG BROTHER, but time got away from us, and if I can't make that happen anymore, I'd sure love to make this Happen for him.

Please follow the easy steps below, take 45 seconds to jump through some easy steps and VOTE for my dad to win the TOWN's award for Medical Best Dentist.

If you'd like to have a new friend, or make me the happiest, I would love a VOTE for him there.

It's always nice to be self-less and to want good things for well-deserved people. Please assist me in getting MY DAD to this achievement.

Here's my chance to see HOW amazing the STEEMIT community can be with Positivity.

And if You Voted for him, Take a snapshot of the IM DONE screen and post in the comments. You will have a NEW friend for life. Anything i can do to assist the community and my followers I'd be happy to assist.





@theUXyeti - This is me! Hilarious, funny, ex reality tv guy, loves app and web UI, competitive card player, scuba instructor, dart thrower, MTG player, WSOP player, gamer, hearthstone mechanic exploiter, sports handicapper, Geek of all trades.

How to find me
Discord: TheUXyeti or TheUXyeti#5698
Dtube Channel:!/c/theuxyeti

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