Dr. TLK _ Perspectives _ STINC you really Stink!

How long has it been since we had issues with steemit?

All I hear that STINCIANs are working hard to address the issues we are facing but what did they and STINC (a.k.a Steemit INC) ended up doing? They changed the freaking looks of our page which became absolutely retarded, by the way! Hurray!!! Since I started here with, Everyday we say shameless behaviors of many whale/dolphin (Whatever the F#@K you want to call them) steemians! They keep inventing ways to gain more money than what they are already.... like selling free info or selling their votes!

Selling their votes For F##@King sake!!!!!

A press of a finger!

Why am I upset? Its like buying a bot vote I guess!

It just blows my mind to see such things happening in day light and even supported by many others

Yet, again and again, we keep hearing all the crap about

  • We are not supposed to self-vote
  • We are not supposed to use bot votes
  • We are not supposed to... blah blah blah

The whole steemit experience has been upsetting, disappointing and irritating to say the least. It became even worse lately.

It takes freaking 5 min to vote a single post and don't make me even mention posting a comment or even worse, writing a full post!

It has been nightmarish and STINCY to the core!


STINC, what are you doing right now? Do you even use your problematic platform? Do you know how people are suffering using it? If you are working hard to address the issues we are facing, could you please do something about them rather than uglifying the way steemit looks in addition to how it feels.

You may ask, why am I sticking to this STINCY website if I am so upset and I think it is becoming a waste of time?

I agree, I have been thinking to do that. To quit. I have many other things in my life that could use the time I waste here just to be able to vote a couple of posts or reply to a couple of comments.

What makes me stay then? It is not STINC for sure,

  • Its the people I have become to know and appreciate.
  • Its the spirit of comradery that I want to cherish and preserve
  • Its because I don't leave an unfinished job/problem unless I exhausted all the solutions I can use to address it

Unlike STINCY Co, who jump from one idea to another without trying to establish the basis first.

STINCY Co, you are darn lucky to have so many people support you and believe in you (possibly because they have invested so much already from their time and money and they don't want to let it go to waste). Because otherwise, this STINCY platform would crumble in no time...

Count your blessings...

Writing this post is one of my blessings of today! Because now I feel much better...

Dr. TLK :D


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