Today I've Started Promoting Steemit To My 86,000 Instagram Followers. I Will Continue Promoting Daily.


I'm fed up with Facebook and instagram!

It's time to use whatever power I have left in their networks to drive new users into Steemit.

Our reach has gone from bad to worse recently as the war against alternative media unravels. We used to be able to reach 10% or more of our fan base per post and now on instagram it's gone down to only 1% reach, if we're lucky. Facebook is even worse going from 17% reach average to now less than 1%. Countless people have even paid to grow pages on these networks only to have their reached reduced so badly that they have little option but to pay for ads or quit all together.

That's where Steemit comes in and the ecosystem that exists within it.

If people only knew they had better options they just might come, but with the elite owning the media it's hard to get the word out. I will be promoting steemit daily from now on to help boost the adoption of steemit for the benefit of the whole network. I would recommend doing the same if you can. I will be making memes to raise awareness to the censoring being done on facebook and instagram and referring people to choose steemit instead. Feel free to use them. I will be posting them on here as I make them. So make sure to follow @thedonfreeman to stay updated.

Even before facebook deleted some of my pages we could see in the insights that facebook was already removing over 300 fans a day from our page calling them "suspicious accounts", even though we have never paid for likes other than from facebook itself. So we paid them for likes via ads only for them to silently delete them at a tune of 300+ per day over about a year, meaning we needed to grow 400+ a day just to have a daily positive growth. This is criminal.

Now instagram and facebook are just as bad as each other, my instagram follower count hasn't gone up in over a month, frozen at 86.4k. I used to grow about 100 new followers per day, and without changing anything, it just stopped. Dead. Reach down to 1% of our fan base with little to no options and no warning or email from them.

It's pretty clear that there's a silencing of alternative media going on because I'm far from the only one experiencing this crap right now. Just ask anyone with a Facebook for Instagram page how their reach is this year.

But this is good news for steemit.

Content creators and people involved in alternative media are furious and looking for safer grounds. The mass exodus has begun, and if steemit wants to fully take advantage of this key timing they could soak up a lot of new users.

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