Have Your Say - The State of Steemit this Christmas (best comment wins 10 SD worth of SP)


As we are coming up to Christmas and the end of the year I thought it might be useful to get some community reflection and feedback on Steemit and Steem.

We are only about 7 months or so into the project and still in beta but I think it is still useful to consider what we have achieved so far and the direction which we are taking now and in the future.

I would like this post to serve as a community discussion and informal poll about Steemit and Steem in general.

Since people seem quite fond of prizes and competitions I will award my favourite comment $10 in Steem Power (with a provisional deadline of Friday 23rd December midnight GMT).

How to Structure Your Feedback

This is entirely up to you but here are some things you may wish to think about:
  • What do you think works best about Steemit?
  • What doesn't work?
  • What improvements could be made and how? What is missing?
  • If you had to prioritise one single issue that you would like to be fixed what is it?
  • What do you see as the main issue that is holding up wider Steemit adoption?
  • If you could give Dan, Ned and the Steemit team one piece of advice what would it be?

  • Would you recommend Steemit to a friend or family member? If yes, how would you do it? If not why not?
  • What content do you think is absent on Steemit?
  • What bloggers or content creators would you like to see on Steemit? What have you done to try to get them on board?
  • What do you see for the year ahead and what would you like to see?
  • What (if anything) have you done to promote Steemit yourself? Is there anything that would encourage you to promote Steemit more?
  • As a fun exercise - how would you sum up Steemit in one sentence?

Thank you for reading.

If you like my work please follow me and check out my blog - @thecryptofiend

All uncredited photos are taken from my personal Thinkstock Photography account. More information can be provided on request.

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