Starting a Business (!!) + Get to Know Me Beyond Steemit/DTube

The reason why I have been a little MIA on here is because I have been in the process of starting a business! It’s been hard on me a little because every day I think about wanting to post more on here and being more involved with the Steemit community! I am excited though to officially share both worlds with you all and hope to have your support in spreading my mission.

So What Is It That I'm Doing?

This is from my introduction post:
“I named myself ‘theaudgirl’ because I strongly believe in embracing individuality and what makes you different even if you stand out and may be considered an “oddfit” in society.”

This was a little hint to what the mission of my company is. The other hint to what my business is was in my stance on fitness in that first post. One that believes in closing the disconnect between the body empowerment and fitness industry.

I will go into more about what the company name is and more about the details later (to be honest I am trying not to write too much as I am already asking for you to watch this video and check out my post on my website). However, for now I want to share with you guys this video that I made going into my “why”. This is something that I am so passionate about and I hope that it encourages others to be more open with their lives and what their dreams are.

If you want to get to know me even better, please check out this post I wrote that goes into more of why I quit my old job and my journey leading up to it.

What I would love to ask from all of you is to:

  • Support me and follow along as I try to build this company based on a very authentic mission (vs capitalizing on the insecurities of others as a majority of the fitness industry does)

  • Follow me on my Instagram @audreykoomar. This will help to bring more exposure to my account and get me in front of my target demographic… women and young girls who let social media dictate how they look, how they should look, and how they feel about their body. PLUS, you’ll get to know me and I’ll get to know you all on a more personal basis.

  • Sign up for my newsletter where I can send updates, tips, and highlight my posts in case you miss them.

Thank you to my family on here! I am so grateful to all of you who read or watch anything I say.

Also, to all those who want to be around a great group of people, check out the OneLoveDTube Discord. Amazing people with a great mission. Check out this post from @Reseller that goes into the group in detail.

Does anyone on here have their own businesses? If so, I would love to support them!

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