[New Video] Steem, From Revolutionary to Legendary

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When you see Bitcoin rising so much, when you see people posting stuff like "Bitcoin to da moon!" Don't you want to see the same thing happening to steem?

I know I do! What I'd give to see steem getting to not only to that price, but to similar market cap, and similar user-base and similar number of daily transactions.

And more.

While the most immediate reaction has it that this would be a far-fetched pipe dream, more often than not it's usually just a natural reflex as the brain tends to dismiss anything that is not accustomed to see.

That's why "It can't be done" is one of the most popular clichés in history of the world.

The truth is, if you don't try, you never know.

Personally, I just don't wanna sit here a few years from now, wondering what would've happened if the steem train took off destination moon.

I'm not giving up!

This is just the beginning, and something tells me it's gonna be beautiful.

The Road so Far

While the steemit community has a core base of crypto and voluntaryist population (myself included), there is much more diversity of backgrounds, skills and content than any other crypto-currency in the world. There is more girl-to-guy ratio as well, and there is an impressive number of go-getters among the steemian community which makes mass-adoption a real possibility if we put our minds into it.

With that in mind, we leave you with this:

The steem concept is already revolutionary, but this is just the beginning. There is so much more to explore...

In fact, it could be legendary.

Happy New Years to All the steemians All Over the World!!

This video was brought to you by @donkeypong, @steemship, @liberosist, @hanshotfirst, @kevinwong and @the-alien

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