Call to HELP! Steemit is a haven for HOLOCAUST DENIERS and Anti-semites! (Read for yourself)

"Jews are working to collapse white countries". The Holocaust is the "largest propaganda campaign across the Western world today". Any believers are followers in "The cult of the Holocaust". Real quotes from a short time on Steemit.

After doing 5 minutes of research clicking their tags "jew" and "holocaust" an ASTOUNDING percentage of articles posted were of complete deniers or "revisionists".... arguers of "facts", a very odd and specific category of people who don't deny but want to argue the estimated number of Jews killed to be way less than 6 million..... cause that makes it less horrible, right?

When you argue that it's 3 million over 6 million your basically saying it wasn't "as bad", making you an apologist. Would murdering 1 million innocent people for their beliefs and heritage then be okay?
NOTE(Dr. Richard Korherr, a statistician for Himmler reported the Jewish population had "diminished" by 3.1 million from 1933-1942, this isn't counting the 3 years after or the many years before. All this was documented!) People saying how they couldn't possibly kill that many... In the Rwandan genocide an estimated 800,000 to 1 million tutsi's were killed in just 100 days, with no camps, ovens etc.

Then there are these people, who claim it happened but they were all "labor camps", another attempt to diminish historical impact. This one tagged under #conspiracy included stories of the authors alleged family coming across said camps and inmates who were "tending the flowers".

^This ridiculously ignorant article with absolutely no sources or facts is up to $127.76 with 137 upvotes after just 14 hours up. Appalling. NOTE: Not all camps were created equal, some were labor camps for war production, people kept alive until they could no longer work then often shipped to another camp. Other camps were specifically for scientific research, these people left alive for experiments. More examples-->

Probably the most upsetting is this article, a perfect example of an apologist.

Let's high-light a segment ^
"the films and pictures that show the disturbing images of dead bodies being pushed into piles by bulldozers is horrific but does not prove that those people were innocent civilians killed by german soldiers. During the second world war there were diseases such as typhus that killed thousands of people which created a problem of what to do with these dead bodies. There were also of course thousands of dead bodies of soldiers killed in the war. Many prisoners died from being overworked, starvation towards the end of the war, and according to some historians natural causes were the number one thing that the prisoners died from." I guess I need to explain that when someone dies under your care that your responsible for their death? Whether it be from starvation, over-working, lack of health care, or a blow to the head the German's were responsible for taking them to these camps and to their death.

Holocaust denial is DANGEROUS. History repeats itself. Very recently CNN featuring segments on white-supremacists posting quotes asking if "jews are people". The first photo was from last march in Seattle when someone vandalized a synagogue and spray painted "Holocaust is fake history".


Hate crimes are on the rise. Anti-immigration is turning into something much more . Why would jewish people advocate for immigrants? Probably because they empathize! Most of their history was spent as refugees wandering, growing up learning you're whole history was spent going from places where you were unwanted. Antisemitism and anti-immigration go hand-in-hand, clearly shown in this article below.

Typifying a group of people in anyway is harmful, stereo-types ARE harmful. My partner of almost 7 years is Jewish as is his family. All Jews are not "Zionist", and not all prescribe to their religion. My partner has said he doesn't consider himself "Jewish", although very spiritual in his own way he does no Jewish practices. Would that have stopped him from being round up in 1929 and taken to a ghetto? Or shipped in a cattle cart to a death camp countries away in 1940? Since Judaism is not just a religion but a heritage... no.

The Online hate prevention institute has "How to's" on how to deal with antisemitism and hate speech on other social media platforms but what are we do in a place like steemit? With no report button how do we make sure this ignorant rhetoric isn't continually propagated? The article copied below states "Someone spews hatred toward Jewish people every 83 seconds on social media, according to a new study."


Where would Steemit fall on this table? And what is the effect of these articles? People being swayed and brainwashed by false facts and conspiracy. Let's look at a comment from one of the posts...
-"At the very least this video is quite thought provoking. I don't know how I feel about this, but I definitely don't think this can be completely dismissed"

My response has been to hit them with facts, shame and opposition; zero tolerance for people who wanna play "devils advocate". It may not be the most effective but at least they aren't getting completely positive replies. There's always flagging, but the consequences are nil to none. We need to clap-back as a community. Bigoted behavior needs to be addressed and opposed. If you see something like this, say something and flag. I know we don't all have time to educate what's most often a lost-cause of a person but a simple "shame on you" or "this article is not appreciated" has a LOT more of an impact on a place like Steemit. If we were to flag in groups, it would hide their posts from low ratings. Would you keep posting on the same topic if people kept flagging, hiding your posts and giving you negative feedback? Probably not. That concept in reverse shows how this dangerous ideology is flourishing by literally being rewarded on Steemit.

PLEASE comment if you have any helpful suggestions on how to deal or respond to this problem.🚨 Re-steem to raise awareness and vigilance🚨 Thank you.

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