Hello my fellow Steemians! I have been on Steemit for about a month now, experimenting and having fun on this new platform. But I still haven't decided what my blog will be about. It's not for lack of ideas, it's because for some reason I feel that it has to be consistent, that I have to talk about just one or two things.

That's not really working for me. I don't want to talk about just one thing. I think it's a flaw of mine, indecisiveness. That's why I couldn't decide on what I wanted to take in University, because there were so many things I wanted to do, so many things I wanted to be. I have so many interests and so many stories I want to tell, that it seems boring to only approach one topic.

If you look at my bio, you'll see this. I can't just be one thing, like I can't just do one thing. I can't dedicate my page to just one or two specific subjects when there's so much I want to discuss.

My interests are also constantly changing. I want my blog to reflect who I am and all my interests. If you followed me expecting content just about travel, or cryptocurrency, or just photography, you'll be disappointed because I would like to write and post about all those things and more.

Even though I've simplified my life around me, the true clutter is in my head. I think I needed Steemit in my life, I needed a place where I could organize my ideas and hopefully get some feedback, since the community on Steemit is more likeminded, and I know, or I hope, that most of you fellow Steemians will "get" at least some of my eccentricities:)

I think I'll never find my place.

But does that have to be a bad thing?

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