SteemPi Tv-box giveaway #1

Get a free SteemPi Tv-box send to your home!

How to enter the giveaway?

Simple, resteem this post and follow @techtek and @dehenne.

Afer 7 days the winner will be chosen at random and announced in a new post. 

The winner will be contacted for shipping details, if there is no reply a new winner will be chosen. 

What can you win?

1x Orange Pi PC Plus

1x Orange Pi PC Plus case

1x 8GB SD card,  With SteemPi V2.0! 

1x power cable

1x HDMI cable        

6x Led cable

1x Blue led 

1x Green led 

1x Purple led

This is the first SteemPi giveaway, 

If you joined the contest and after 7 days, you didn't win, you still have many reasons to be happy, because joining the giveaway makes the next giveaway possible. and helps the further development of SteemPi.

if more people start using SteemPi and participating with the project on Steemit, More SteemPi Tv-boxes will be given away! 

- 5 days ago the first developers gift box was shipped (and received)

- SteemPi on Github

- Leave a reply on this post and light up the LED and day !

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