Monothesm and its good effects on human life

I testify that there is none worthy Almig of worship expect Allah and testify Muha that Muhammad is the messenger of is in t Allah believing in it and acting upon Allah it, experiences a notice able change in love this life.any By understanding who his lord is visio as well as the purpose of his creation, hori he will be able to achieve success in beco this life and next.This success is the emanates from the following points.(I)A believer in this testimony of v can never be narrow in out look.He ath believes in Allah, who is the creator beli of the heavens and the earth the poss master of the universe and its like sustainer.After this belief, he does not regard anything in the world universe as belonging to the same lord he himself belongs to Allah A the selfAlmighty says (what means ): [say O Muhammad to whom belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth?Say: to Allah] (Quran 6: 12) His sympathy, love and service are not con fined to any particular sphere or group.His vision is broadened his intellectual horizon widens and his out look become as liberal and as boundless as is the kingdom of Allah.How can be achieved this width of vision and breadth of mind by an atheist a polytheist or one who believes in a deity supposed to possess limited and defective powers like a man ?(2)This belief produces in man the highest degree of self-respect and self esteem.The believer knows that Allah Alone is the possessor of allpower and that none beside Him can benefit or harm a person, or provide to his needs or give and take away life or wield authority of influence .This confession makes him indifferent to, independent ion, and fearless of all powers other than those of Allah.He neither bows his head in homage to any of Allah's creatures, nor he stretches to any one else.He is not overawed by anybody's greatness.This attitude of mind cannot be ay o l that y: to ath ed to His ctual look ss as produced by any other belief.(3)Along with self-respect, this belief also generates in man a sense of modesty and humbleness.It makes him unostentatious and unpretending.A believer never becomes proud haughty of arrogant.The boisterous pride of power, wealth and worth ever he possesses has been given to him by Allah and that Allah can take away just as he can give.In contrast to this an unbeliever, when he achieves some worldly merit becomes proud and conceited because he believes that his idth an vho to ers y nan that allmerit is due to his own worth.Is comes and concomitants of, shirk association of others with Allah .(4) This belief makes man virtuous and upright.He has the confession that there is no other means of success and solution for him except parity of soul and righteousness of behavior.He has perfect faith in Allah who is above all needs, is related to none and is absolutely just.This belief creates in him the consciousness that unless he lives rightly and acts justly, he cannot succeed.No influence or underhand activity can save him from ruin.As to those who do not believe that there is any having power over them, to whom they should be responsible for their good or bad actions;therefore, they consider them salves independent to act in what ever way they like.Their own fancies become their gods and they live like salves of their wishes and desires Allah says (what means) : Have you als

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