1300 Followers and New Opportunities

My follower count has been growing at a rather optimistic pace.

It's gotten me really excited.

I'm still no closer to getting my 70 reputation score, but I'm content with the victories I've had so far, considering I've achieved them all just through blogging and have never seriously powered up.

Still, I've got a few things to be grateful for:

  • Bitcoin transaction fees are down, making it easier to convert between various currencies.
  • Steemit is growinig in multiple dimensions, with DTube prospering and SMTs right around the corner. And even though I don't directly participate in these, they are good for the platform overall, which can only help me.
  • I'm nearly done with the crunch draft of my current book. And I will not be redrafting it again until after it gets picked up for publication. The current book is solid and powerful. The trick now is be loud in my proclamations of its excellence.

Because that is the trick. It's been said that PR is just doing good things and then telling people about them. And, as usual, a lot of PR techniques also work for marketing.


It would appear that my current situation is much like the current situation of cryptocurrency itself. We are both winding up and getting ready to pounce.

And in the meantime, there's a lot of housekeeping and consolidation to be done.

Thank you for being my 1300 followers.

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