Is Posting 2 Times a Day or 5 times a day Effective in STEEMIT?


I've been active in some of these months, there's still some confusion that I've experienced and maybe some of you are also experiencing similar things, which are undecided in effective writing.

Sometimes postings that I have written and prepared with long posts even not interesting for most users of steemit.

And there are some posts that are only posted very simple but appealing to most steemit users.

I am confused which one is better?

Are many posts in a day with simple writing?
Or post 1 or 2 times with long writing?

This indecision has been steadily occupying me for the past few months, until I sometimes get stuck on how to write.

So far what I do is write whatever information I get.

And sometimes some inspiration and write it as a post and attract many users steemit.

But inspiration does not always arise, it is impossible I have to wait for inspiration to appear new to writing, right?

Therefore I try to write a random topic, whatever I get then I will write.

How about you ?

Maybe you can give input and suggestions so that I better understand how to write better in the future.

Thank you to all of you.

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