Story time: What was your first month on Steemit like?

Hi Steemit! I'm new to the Steemit community. It hasn't quite been a month yet but I've really enjoyed my time on Steemit so far. I've got to say, after a couple of days I got disillusioned from the idea that Steemit was a place that you can just post stuff and make money. But I'm going to keep on posting things after reading a lot of encouraging post from members of the community like this one here by @inquiringtimes (really good read encourage any new steemians to read it).

The fact that it's not a get-rich-quick rat race is honestly a relief. It's helped me to see Steemit for what it really is; a social place to share ideas and make friends. I think with this mindset change I'm in a better position to contribute and meet new people. If it's one thing I've learned it's don't focus on the money and hope people will follow. Focus on the people and money will follow.

Well, that's enough about me! I'd love to hear your story about your first month on Steemit! Was it deflating? Did you give up? Or did you just crush it like an absolute BEAST and have no idea what I'm talking about? Let me know in the comments! :)

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