I can't speak for everyone; but I am so grateful for HF19! I think we made the right choice!

So I guess you could call this hardfork a success! I mean I am gonna call it that, and I'll tell you why. When I went to sleep last night, I honestly thought that when I woke up I would be surrounded by a bunch of irradiated whale carcasses and most if not all of my posts being pegged down to 0. I had a nightmare similar to that fear, so yes, I was stressing quite a bit... AND I WAS SO FUCKING WRONG!

Sauce of photo: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/our-societys-definition-of-success

I logged in today, to see that many of my posts had visited the moon and decided they could KEEP GOING! I cashed out my first payouts for a new phone and it's looking like I'll beable to get a new computer with this payout! For proof here was the total payout before HF19


Here is it was this morning!

To quote my friend and witness @theprophet0 "I'm fucking loving it!"

Steem, we made the right choice! Here's to future moons and successes!

Lots of love and many toodles!


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