1 Month on 120 Followers! Thank you!!

I Joined on Steemit June 14th. My long-time friend @jessamynorchard mentioned on facebook that she was going to be playing a gig in my area, at a Steemit gathering. I had heard about Steemit for a while, but wasn't sure I had anything to offer to the platform. But, I was VERY much wanting to see her and hear her play. So, after thinking it over, brainstorming various potential post topics, I decided that I DID have something to add, and I DID want to join. So I did!
And then, shortly after, I went to the Steemit KC gathering where I met a whole bunch of AWESOME people! See my post about it here.

I wrote my introduction story titled My Intro/Birth/Naming Story, I posted the best poem I ever wrote The In-Between, which almost no one read (it's okay, no hard feelings, I was new here).


I wrote the first of what will likely be many posts about Mothering Kaia May.
I Resteemed some awesome content. I joined a few photo contests/challenges. Then I told the The Serendipitous Story of How I Came to be Ozark Born and Raised. My Mom was pissed because I posted it without verifying all the details of the story with her first. I did have an error, which my Mom pointed out, and I fixed-thank goodness for the edit button. Speaking of my Mom, she also attended the Steemit Gathering in KC, has LOTS of post ideas, and has told me she is going to sign up. Her delay? She can't decide on the perfect screen name. Phooey. I talk to her about Steemit weekly (sometimes more than that) when I think of great post ideas she should write. My Mom is Super Awesome and has a lot of vaulable content to add to this community. Anyhoo, where was I...? Oh yes, my recap!

So, then I wrote up the wonderful story of Dru's Balloon. I have to admit, I was a bit sad that that one didn't get read very much, or upvoted very much, because I was wanting to send all $ made from it to Dru. Since it made a whole 7 cents I guess maybe I'll round up to a dollar or two and give it to him next time I see him.

I was so pleased to discover a vibrant Homesteading Community on here, so I asked some questions I'd been really wondering about in my post Inquiry to Homesteaders and Preppers-What Motivates you to do what you do?. As a new new member, you can imagine my surprise and delight when @kiaraantonoviche asked if my post could be included in the next Weekly Homesteading Newsletter along side some other great content!!! SO neat! Thanks so much!!

Then, I sparked up a bit of a debate with my post Gender is a Spectrum, which was a long-winded response to someone who asked me why I made a comment about gender being a spectrum. Writing this post was super fun and informative. Did I mention I have a transgender step-son??


Then, I did some more Resteeming of others' awesome content and entered this week's portrait contest by @jasonrussell. The contest ends tonight, so hurry up and enter!! Here are my entries:


So, there you have it folks! I've learned a little bit about a lot of things. I've learned a lot about a few things. It's been an awesome experience so far. I'm loving the opportunity to have a creative outlet. I think the community on here is pretty dang great. I'm getting the hang of using markups (little by little) Haha! I'm itching to write more!! I wanted to take a moment to recap the last month and to say a big THANK YOU to @jessamynorchard for being the reason I joined. Thank you to @stellabelle for hosting the KC Steemit Gathering, where I got to jump right in and meet some super intelligent and interesting Steemians, and last but not least, THANK YOU to the 119 followers for joining me on this adventure!!!

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