How to Get People to Notice Your Awesome Steemit Content

Writing is fun, but feedback is even more fun. After 13 months as a Steemit member, I want to share what I feel has helped me on my journey. I can honestly say that in the beginning I only checked how many upvotes I'd gotten and how much money that was gonna give me. Now, I check my number of comments. I love it when I get a high number of comments because that shows me that you guys felt something. Either you got really happy and could relate, or you just strongly disagree with me and wanted to tell me that. It's very rewarding when people write other stuff than "great post" on your content. I feel like I've made friends from all over the world here on Steemit!
Here's some advice to get more people to notice your stuff and engage with your content.



I would say that posting a post without a picture is a bad idea. Always!
Use high-quality pictures, that has something to do with your topic. Use your own pictures!
If you have to use a stock photo, at least credit the source! People like faces, they can relate to it and it's engaging. Colorful pictures are also great. Adding more than one photo is also a good idea. Don't put your only photo at the end of the post. I usually write a short summary, put the picture after that, and then add the rest of the content.



Choosing a good title for your post is one of the most important things to consider before posting.
Don't fall for the temptation to go for the click bait tactic, like something super sensational, if your content isn't. The reader will feel disappointed if the headline doesn't live up to their expectations.
Spend some time on the headline and your first sentences. This is super important. This, together with the picture, is what will catch the reader's attention.


Do your research! Try to think about who you are writing to. Who is your target audience? What tags would they click on to read about? There is nothing wrong with trying to create your own tag, but at least put some tags in that are popular. (Only if it is on topic). People will get annoyed if you use the Steemit tag, if it has nothing to do with that. Use quality tags, and don't be a spammer. You will get more followers if you use relevant tags. Trust me on this one.

Grammar and language

This is more important than what you'd think. You want the readers to understand you! Poor grammar can be a huge distraction for your reader. Even though English is not my native language, I still try to make sure that my writing is somewhat correct. You can use tools like Grammarly (Google it) if you struggle with your English. Your readers can definitely tell if you have spent some time on your post, or not. Use paragraphs. A huge bulk of text is hard to read.



If you expect other people to engage with your stuff, you should also engage in other people's content. I love traveling and food, so I visit these tags often. I click on the new stuff and the hot stuff to see if I find a headline or picture that catches my eye.


Be honest, be yourself and be real. If you want people to be able to relate to your content, don't try to appear like you're perfect. Nobody is! Some of my most popular posts include my personal opinions about a topic or just self-experienced stories. People enjoy hearing about stuff that could also, or have, happened to them.

No spamming

Just stop being annoying. Spammers get a low reputation, they seem desperate and they are annoying.
The next time I see a "upvote me plz", I am gonna loose it! The upvotes are a consequence of good content that someone finds valuable or entertaining. When I get comments like "Great post, upvoted and followed. Now it's your turn!", I simply say thank you, but I don't even bother checking out their profile. If your content is great, if we have the same interests or if you just are a genuine person, I will for sure check your profile and follow you if write about stuff I could be interested in.

Offer value

Not only will this encourage people to share your content, you are also contributing to making Steemit what it is. A great place to learn new stuff and to engage with like-minded people. If you know something that we don't know, share it! We want to read about it. If you have advice on doing something that you do well, share it! If you have had a rough experience, then share that too, so that other's don't have to go through it.

Share your thoughts

Don't just post something with tons of facts. Add your personal touch to it.
If you have taken a couple of nice photographs, don't just share that. Tell us what you could do to make the pictures even greater, tell us how you felt when you saw that sunset or tell us why you chose the camera that you chose!

Be a conversation starter

Write about something you're passionate about. Ask questions. Challenge people and don't be afraid to share your opinions, even though they might be a little unconventional. Dare to stand out and be courageous.

Reply to comments

Be grateful for the people that took the time to read your post. Be grateful that they left a reply. Be grateful for your followers. They have spent time on giving you feedback, the least you could do is reply.
Don't care about how many people are following you, just appreciate those who do. Remember that even if they follow you now, they can unfollow you later. Take care of them. If the quality of your content decreases over time, they might unfollow too. Be consistent!

Extra advice

You don't have to be a specialist in the field you are writing about, but be humble about your level of knowledge.

Have some fun and be a helpful person. Try to encourage fellow members!


All the best,

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