Steemit Needs More Colors! Colors Speak More Volume!

Two of the fundamental goals of many steemit content creators and people in general who create the web's relevant content are: to fortify relations of trust, responsibility and steadfastness of their audience and to build an build incessant connections. This is accomplished through engagement. Engagement essentially implies getting your readers to accomplish something in relation to your post (Like, Comment, Click to open picture, Click on Link, ShareThis… ). 

Engagement is not only a solitary collaboration with one of your readers, but an open line of correspondence over a time-frame. Online networking engagement is to a great extent dictated by how well your social posts trigger activity from your intended interest group. 

There are such a variety of variables that can add to the measure of engagement with regards to your steemit posts and social networking posts in general and one that is constantly underplayed even here on steemit according to my thoughts is the psychology of something as trivial as color in relation to driving interaction and sustaining engagement. 

Well, we'll come back to that!

Overall, the fundamental principles of psychology can be utilized to accomplish engagement from our followers here on steemit and online in general. (Do take note, that seemit posts find it easy to rank on google search. Yes, i have several posts of mine here, which i found on google just hours after i posted them here and i found them without add the word 'steemit' to my search query)

 Take note; in the event that we touch our audience emotionally and in the event that we are able to appeal to their psychology, we can capture the continuous attention of our followers, while accomplishing profound impact, long lasting! 

Feelings are a capable channel through which we can touch our readers' hearts, so in this post we will see why we may need more colors here on steemit as, inorder to maintain and sustain online networking engagement, it is essential to add tiny mental triggers to our steemit posts, triggers as tiny as colors. 

Now this is where steemit will gradually improve on. It will be more fun for content creators here to have the luxury of playing will colors. It does make posting in general more interesting and playful art too and since a major part of our aims is providing relevant appealing information to other users of steemit and the internet as a whole, engagement is critical to accomplishing this.

(I wanted one my friends and inspirer to join us here on steemit and he did join but he didn't stay long. According to him, it felt too geeky and he never got much feeling of a playful place so to speaking for a 'regular Joe'. Now, he is not a regular Joe and he does constantly create content but perhaps, not too many colors on steemit to keep lingering on his mind and put his mind at at state of relaxed or feel-at-home peace!)

Adding some more color capabilities to our post editor on its own, i believe will trigger instant attraction to steemit from the internet!

Decisions for a new novice to stay on steemit, usually happens unconsciously. In trying to study how decision-making works, came the conception of neuromarketing, which is based on applying neuroscience and psychology to understanding how these decisions work and how brands can influence these decisions.

Neuromarketing researches have come to demonstrate that factors like experience, combined with the emotional, generate a series of favorable changes to the human's decision to stay or go, to take action. Neuromarketing makes brands understand consumer behavior by finding out what is in our audience's head then appealing to their senses.

In this post, i am mostly trying to touch on colors, as i feel it is a simple addition that is so attainable especially since steemit is still in beta. Just the capacity for posts(TEXTS) to come with colors or for the editor to have color capability, will instantly make posting a more playful, fun, interesting art and our audience, especially those from search engines who may never have encountered steemit, can give careful consideration to the substance we post and become genuinely intrigued in who we are and want to identify with us, essentially turning non-bloggers etc into steemians or steemit users!

Enthusiastic engagement from our readers also inspires us to give out more.

Not to deny, posting isn't very easy and many people regard a simple comment as valuable as an upvote. Let us touch our audience' hearts and put them in the mood for sharing our posts or even recommend it; which creates instant and farther reaching advertising buzz for steemit! 

Deep down i wish posting pictures was a bit more non-technical: 

Our brains love pictures. We see the world from a pictorial view. As people, we're more inclined towards visual jolts. 90% of the data we pass on to our mind is visual. 64% of people are visual learners – after all the human mind processes visual post 60,000 times quicker than text genre. So why not simply add colors to text here on steemit, to excite our valuable words! 

Let's make the texts here on steemit more story-telling with a few more colored texts to illuminate, arouse and appeal to our reader's sentiments! 

Let us make them feel good after reading our posts because we touched their soft-spot by a color that they love. 

Let's visually narrate to them by means of our text!

The colors in our texts here, in our quotes can be used to express our sound or countenance and incite emotions in our readers. Let's make steemit posts more shareable!

Steemit needs more colors!


Colors also play a role in emotions. Mere use of colors can drastically incite engagement. Logos, packaging and product design use colors to impact hugely on our psychology and our final purchase decision.

The colors does generate certain kinds of emotions and responses. The meaning of the colors and the reactions they provoke in people is much studied; it is what is called color psychology.

For example, a recent study showed predominately blue images receive 24% more likes on Instagram than other colors and images with one dominate color receive more engagement. 

Steemit is set to improve over time, but for now a really simple tweak that i am confident will drastically make steemit a booming home, is having the ability to choose at least basic colors for our post texts.

Over time other functionalities like videos and GIF will align in place. Yes, videos exists and yes GIFs play on steemit but it is still a bit too technical for a newbie!

For now, let's just color functionality to our steemit post editor! Is anyone up for this?








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