"RewardPoolRape" Is An Illusionary Word! Nothing Like That Existed On Steemit! Why The Trending Steemit Posts Are Really Trending!!!

Rewardpoolrape etc.........

These are words that will/should gradually be phased out of a place like steemit because they don't exist in the first place. I mean, they shouldn't be graduating into full blown hashtags because nothing like that happened!

I used to be on imzy.com in the past. I was allowed the then-luxury, of building a community but i left almost instantly and this is why:

Once, and mostly because i was still a novice on the platform, i shared my original "inspirational content" in a community under hashtag "funny" and i was instantly "banned" from the channel! Now, yes you can have rules but such rules are becoming old-school and phasing out quickly these days.

i found steemit. 

We've heard so much of "banned"/"suspended"/deleted etc ; on the internet, that it is so tiresome, boring and even old-school; that we now want to here, "you are welcome"/"you are loved","you are the best"/"i forgive you"/"aww". 

I mean, you are out pursing dreams and you come up against all odds, with your invention or innovation ideas, then upon looking for direction or help, you try to add someone on Facebook from another country, then Facebook instantly suspends/deletes your account without thoroughly educating you. Gosh!

"Mark Zuckerberg has kept throwing "Bergs" at lowly ones and zuck-ing out there dreams". That is all old-school stuff right there!

Then i wrote my own model for my own type of social network and this was going to become my gift to humanity. The model behind my own social network was to be one built on love; one that finds good use for spam/spammers instead of blantantly/hastily bashing them out; one that celebrates the regularly masses and allows for a measure of equality and i found steemit and the steem blockchain. Steemit had everything in line with what i was out to create, so here i am!

Note: Spammers have good use; in fact many of them are simply innocent; some are just extra-passionate and are simply novice when it comes to courtesy! My model of social network was going to involve a gamification system, that will allow users drop words into a buffer, then the words simply become un-spellable. So basically, if you where going to type the word "hate" on my social network, it will come out as perhaps, something like "hqtb".

If decide to spend a whole day trying to spell "hate"; then so be it; a new toy you can play with while we head for the stars!

Heavy words like these regardless of their meaning and intention are dream-killers and in the case of steemit, it is even more pertinent that the use of words are checked before used!

 The steem blockchain is created to be bare and permanent. 

Looking at it, it is obvious that many steemians have not come to understand the basics of how steemit works, the logic, principles, context, language, concepts, model behind how steemit works and only when you fully understand these things, will you understand that there really was really nothing like whale wars, rewardpoolrape etc. 

Many new steemians don't know these underlying details of how steemit works or runs, they are just met with the blogs we present. Several new steemians, don't even know that www.steemit.chat exists. 

Now with new passion, they start to pick on these words/tags and start to get into wars or debates that never existed. Then you see posts like Whaleshares vs Randowhale etc under the hashtag "rewardpoolrape"

Gosh, who wants to get into fights this days. I'll tell you to keep the change, instead of getting into a fight and head for the moon!

Your steemit journey simply needs freedom!

Steemit is the best place on the entire internet and steemians are the most loving. The new-school is:

Even when you see bad, sift it to find some good in it!

The world is so cruel, nobody has time anymore for triggers like 'you have been banned etc" The world needs fresh air! Many are not breathing. They are choked from any corner! 

Every humans has some good use! Many times, the underlying problem is misinformation, so become a teacher!

Learning The Basics Of How Steemit Run First!

First thing to establish in your mind that will help you have steemit sucess is; "You are co-owner of steemit". You are not just some machine-blogger. Infact some of us have never blogged, before steemit; so where is the sudden competition about quality content vs QUALITY CONTENT coming from? "It never existed in the first place!"

Tackle this and you will realize that there was nothing like whale-wars or the recent rewardpoolrape ever. While you stay here losing energy; these whales are busy doing happy meetings and shaking hands to move steemit forward!

Yes, the difference is, whales do see themselves as co-owners of steemit and do what they feel is right to sustain their own aspect of steemit!

@papa-pepper tried to explain my words on this issue some 3 months ago:

When you are new on steemit, learn the basics! I am here: https://discord.gg/2rmtwGy as @surpassinggoogle or on steemit.chat, i can help!

Yes, you can jump steps and be all hasty but don't you want to be grounded instead with firm cores? 

There is a whole lot you don't know about how steemit runs. These days, i talk to many steemians daily and yes, many many many steemians have jumped many many many steps and here is why:

They have the notion that Steemit is all about quality blogposts!

Another reason is, many new steemians are here at the best times ever. They didn't see the times when steem was 0.07 and you would celebrate earning 10 SBDs a few times a month as well as the bunch of formidable steemians who stayed on here, sleepless nights to make steem work!

Most recently, several of the new steemians went into posts, where they tried to analyze what never existed like whaleshares vs randowhale etc and they used the tag "rewardpoolrape"

Gosh that "rewardpoolrape" is a heavy word and alas it never even existed. Yes, whales have a larger stake in the platform and isn't that only logical, that since they brought in large investment, they would want to guard their investment and perhaps, gain some incentive from it? Now, what they see fit for their aspect of the platform can vary from those of other whales/us but isn't that also normal? 

And looking at it critically, humans falter and when humans falter, then the next thing we can look at is "forgiveness"!

Not every human who falters is bad, many had great intentions when they faltered!

Look past the blogging. 

"The steemit blogs" is the tip of steemit's beauty. It is the aspect of steemit that organically spreads the news of steemit to the world and ofcourse, it is the aspect of steemit that many first-time steemians can relate to as many of us aren't coders, crypto-traders, innovators, business-inclined etc

Yes, there are a ton of steemians who are not blogging and certainly many steemians who blog either to save their legacies on an un-erasable blockchain or simply to get heard. 

So, why waste energy and lose out on freedom and fun by creating an illusionary competition with blogs/bloggers etc. Be free!

Many of the top steemians do a ton of things for the platform that we never get to see. 

Don't let the steemit blogs with higher earnings hamper your growth and vision as a person. There was a YOU before you ever found steemit. How did blogging now suddenly become everything? Many of us have never blogged before, so how did we suddenly become bloggers and want to compete with other bloggers. There is so much beauty to steem technology than the blogging; that you aren't seeing because of this! 

Create a business; bring your past business on steemit; use the resources that the steemit community of reputable great minds offer lovingly and leverage on it! You have ideas, innovation, invention; bring it on! Connect with developers and partner up and bring it to fruition. Get into strong sincere relationships with steemians and create believers and they will crowdfund your cause!

Mining with minds goes way beyond blogs. And what we mine goes way beyond steem/sbd

Don't be mistaken, those blogs you see constantly trending are not there simply because they are the best authors on Earth; you just need to dig in and learn and see the beautiful things they do in sinlence; sleepless nights; to keep steemit up and running and to bring steemit to the mainstream. When you see some of those SBDs underneath their posts, a large portion of it may be going into further development for steem sake. So why see @jesta trending and say, "oh i write better, i should be up there?" Did you create chainbb yet? Or see @furion have thousands on his posts or @good-karma, or @theprophet0 and go; "oh, what they write!" 

If you want to know the beauty they perform behind the scenes unheard-of, until their simple blogs are made known, ask me!

And yes, people can come in on steemit and start up trending but why compare yourself with them; you are YOU. There are top steemians who sacrifice their valuable upvotes, to keep these new ones on the radar as they see the potential these ones come with. @jerrybanfield for instance, can you do what he does? "I can't!"

Like i said there is a ton of amazing steemians who don't blog; hahaha, even "quality curation" is content! Would you know how many parameters/time/ @thejohalfiles has to create to support your posts; at the background?

Dear steemians, quality content is not just blogs. Some people are behind the scenes, in 24/7-mode catering to tons of questions on steemspeak. Many of my posts recently have been targeted to direct especially new steemians as i discuss with each steemians separately and a post helps bring about quicker summary! This is only coming to the fore within this post, else it won't have been made known!

Know That Not Every Steemian Good Deed Is Publicized!

Not every good deed done by a steemian is publicized and the next time you earn big on that post, it is not necessarily because you are the best writer in the world, for we are not! There are ton of awesome curators doing sleepless nights behind the scenes vouching for you, submitting your posts, promoting your post with their SBDs without your knowledge! 

Don't get too carried away thinking you are the best, for we are not. Let's be known as the best version of our human and not the best blogger. "Gosh, what is blogging!"

So if you see @sweetsssj trending; really shouldn't she trend? Did you know this part: China is a censored place when it comes to the internet and she's stepping in those grounds boldly carrying the steemit logo. Same applies when you see the next post of @ekitcho trending; he is entering #cn by means of www.busy.org and i am sure it costs alot to develop busy.org.

"RewardPoolRape" Is An Illusionary Word". Why Are Trending Posts Really Trending?

Rape is a big word and no steemian is callous enough to rape anything. 

Some people simply have more responsibilities than others on the platform, either because they have a history on steemit; a more proven history over time; sacrificed some more; have been seen to have more potential to bring steem to the mainstream; built their business/dreams using the steem economy; have built influence, reputation (not reputation score), have built solid lasting friendships, partnerships, connections and some are simply likeable. 

It is has always been a step more, beyond quality steemit posts!

What we end up seeing though is that simple lowly blog with some thousands of SBD potential payout, underneath it. I tell you, the more successful steemians aren't blogging much. They have built dreams and graduated into the likes of @zappl @vivacoin esteem chainbb @busy.org etc

Tell me one steemian you see trending, that you feel is "raping the reward pool" and i will tell you how their not!

The Tip Of My Advice

Build your own game and don't be misled. Deal with people behind the steemians, "for their human", not based on their wallet. That lowly minnow that you see with a modest 1k steempower, may have 1000 BTC somewhere, waiting to unleash and he may just be lurking around, in the comments to see proceedings. 

And mind you several whales have a reputation score of 50 or so, simply because they don't blog much! 

So look past numbers or quality steemit posts! Those are superficial stuff and life is deeper than the superficial! 

See steemit growth as personal/life growth! "If you have a vice, use steemit as a means to overcome your vice etc". Yes, the steemit effect is that far-reaching!

50 SBD will not save us; look for opportunities and true lasting connections/brotherhood that you can take anywhere with you till eternity; steemit and beyond!

@ned and @dan are geniuses and they have created a steem blockchain that keeps behavior in check. Let their genius play its role and play yours!

Many of the countless good deeds are done behind the scenes. 

If it says anywhere; "get rewarded for quality content"; remember quality content doesn't refer to only steemit posts!

Always look past the blog! Anyone can write the best blog on Earth; and you and me are certainly not the best content creators on the planet or on steemit.

Pace your growth! Remember if you are newbie, that many have been here before you who have the same desire to succeed and who are struggling! "Don't jump queues". Instead of rushing to overtake, why not partner-up instead!

I am not Ask Steve or Steve Harvey, i just know life and it is from this very angle that i tackle steemit success!

Yes, tackle your steemit growth as a means to personal growth in the real world,;real life! Learning is earning anywhere, regardless of the platform. This my million dollar info to YOU!

Read between the lines!

If you want to learn more, i am all chat platforms as:

Your Boy Terry




Let's form one strong beautiful empire of steemians who truly love one another! 

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