Inviting Philippines-Based Content Creators To Post Under #tilphilippines ("Today I Learned") & Things You Didn't Know About Trending Posts!!!

For steemians posting in the Filipino language, here is why this is being encouraged:

Apart from the obvious reason, of creating a home on steemit and bonding the Steemit Philippines community, there is also another solid reason; which is: 'to stir organic steemit growth in the Philippines by means of the search engines'. 

A regular internet user could find steemit while using the search engines. We all know that steemit posts rank higher and higher in the search engines and it is now very likely that a Filipino speaker surfing Google or Bing for specific information, may come across a steemit post written in Tagalog etc and upon being able to find satisfactory answers to their questions using this steemit post, may be inclined to join steemit. 

The likelihood of these persons joining steemit, went a notch higher as this post was written in his language, which provided an instantaneous "feel-at-home" convenient feeling; highlighted the existence of community and creates freedom for those who joined to blog as they know they have options and no language barriers to entry etc

Trending Posts

But here is another thing to note for many; one reason a steemit post is likely to trend is the "potential of its quality" as deem fit by curators!

For instance, if you had the power to influence the path of a steemit post i.e "your upvote can make a steemit post appear on the trending page" and one of your primary aim is steemit growth; there is a higher likelihood that you will chose a steemit post that talks about "how to go to the moon on a 20 dollar budget in 2017" to go trending, over a post that shows that simply an image of "one red tomato"

There is also a likelihood, that other curators (upvoters) will act similar!


1. First marketing: is our home page and what appears there, has a huge impact on steemit growth. 

Infact, one main reason that the posts on "trending" have a "larger potential payout" is "steemit growth" as these "large amounts" sitting underneath these trending posts, appeals to new visitors better and inclines them into joining steemit but there is more:

A new visitor to steemit, is likelier to join steemit; if he finds info on that he is intrigued by or dumb-struck by, because it is rare and he hasn't seen it elsewhere online. 

I mean, who hasn't seen "a red tomato".

2. Curation

Curation is a talent that involves spotting gem-like content. Steemit has a ton of posts, daily and there is a likelihood that even the most quality posts get buried. 

Curators (upvoters) are incentivized to dig out this content and bring them to the limelight (trending). Thus, a curator is likelier to upvote on a post, that he has determined based on various factors, to be a post that will get popular. In order words, a good curator is likelier to upvote a post that has a higher likelihood to go trending and one of the factors, that curators use to determine this; is quality. However, another factor that more veteran curators use is: "the X-factor". 

So there can be times where "a red tomato" post will appear in "trending" but in most cases, the post talking about "how to go to the moon on a 20 dollar budget in 2017" will win.


When writing steemit posts, many tend to shape their posts around what the steemit audience will like but the truth is, we have an audience in the search engines who have never heard about steemit but who have questions, that our steemit posts can answer! 

So as much as we try to write to appeal to a steemit audience, more influential and veteran curators can spot steemit posts that have more potential of accomplishing steemit growth and may decide to upvote on those posts, thus, making them trend!

How Does This Apply To Filipino Authors In General

Consider raising the bar when it comes to your content, by picking intriguing topics to write about as this helps you stay above the competition. 

Yes, this takes some sacrifice and ofcourse a measure of selflessness but it is a more testimonial path to take even in life, when you create something that no other has and for the benefit of the world. 

The whole "steemit model" is built around "mining with minds" and that speaks of some "flexing, learning, research, exertion". 

Thus, i am using this post to encourage Filipino authors to start using #tilphilippines.

"#tilphilippines" = (Today I Learned (Philippines Edition))

I will be visiting the above tag as well and i will love to support researched posts on any topic that i find there.

Simply learn something intriguing today, create a post about it in a bid to educate others or answer unanswered questions and use #tilphilippines as one of your tags and overtime, me and hopefully other Philippines-based curators will visit these posts to give support. 

We want to instill a culture of "mining with minds" among Philippines-based content curators and start to stand out when it comes to content creation. 

Too, don't forget to use #philippines as one of your tags as well.


If you write posts in Filipino, how do you stand out?

With a little more self-sacrifice, you could kill all birds with one stone by adding also the English translation for your Filipino posts, within the same post. You can do this paragraph by paragraph or by adding two separate segments to the your post i.e A Filipino version & An English version within the same post!

Now the above is optional but i encourage it. 

In general and in life, i always encourage selflessness and self-sacrifice. "It has never been about you!" 

Add an English translation as that will also help non-Filipino speakers who like visiting #philippines to also gain from your post and will incline them to upvote, thus, giving even your Filipino posts an equal chance of going trending


Similarly, in the search engines both native Filipino speakers and English speakers, who come across your steemit posts can benefit alike and join steemit in the process!

Everything in this post is optional but encouraged! We want to stir community in a way that promotes steemit growth as well and in a way that bonds us with every steemian.

Above all, we want to stir out-of-the-boxness, mining with minds and above all selflessness, self-sacrifice and love as these virtues helps you grow on a personal level and the best version of yourself, is a gift to humanity; every time!

We have steem and steemit today because of the selflessness and sleepless nights of others!

Your Boy Terry

new shirt design that will be available to everyone soonest


Please join the comments to leave any suggestions for growth of steemit in the Philippines. Too, if you are considering budget steemit meetups and signups in your area, consider contacting me here: I am still @surpassinggoogle on there as well as on 


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