Hijack An Existing Event And Infuse A "Steemit Agenda" Into It! The University Of Baguio Philippines, Welcomed Some More "Steemit".

Yesterday was all tough. "Physical Pains all through" but i try my best to surmounts odds. I am tired of "odds" really but i am "too lazy to quit" and my body tires out even more. 

Let's shift focus...

If you didn't know of my intention, start by reading this post: 

My Steemit Giveway To Universities & Colleges Round The World! I Will Give This Away, After A Steemit Discussion In The University Of Philippines, Baguio.

Then try spot me:

Did they get to hear about steemit?

I ended up reaching Baguio! 

It was cold and the clothing-FASHION there, instantly showed it. There some nice things about Baguio really. I especially like to see mixed races all around; I think the weather attracts them!

Transportation is pretty cheap too and i wondered all along, if the fact that taxis didn't use their air-con(s), was a factor.

I was with @southparkqueen. She visited Baguio last week to set up this meeting. 

I do like the idea of hijacking events and infusing some "steemit agenda" into them as it cuts down drastically on budget. It could also be a harder route to go and i do like harder routes as they feel more testimonial.

Normally, you may need to rent a location and in some cases and depending on the size of the steemit gathering, you may need to rent a projector, audio systems, an MC etc but for this Baguio steemit meeting, all was ready-made, which is awesome. 

Another tip for effectivity when it comes to steemit growth is to target influencers, leaders, teachers etc and this case, we got help from Dr Cesar Liwanag (Head of Dept.) who instantly saw the potential steemit holds for students of his department "Mass Communication". 

Basically, the University was to have a radio drama conference, to which two veteran speakers (Luvmin T Aquino & Lety Astudillo Aquino) were invited to give speech and to look for potential talents from among graduating Art students and we were to privileged by Dr Cesar, to be guest speakers.

"The Aquinos", are Filipino veterans in Radio drama: 

  • Luvmin T Aquino (SR. Production Manager at Luvlet Artist & Talent Center) and Lety Astudillo Aquino (Production Supervisor at Luvlet Artist & Talent Center) 

On The Podium...

"I wasn't really prepared", i must say. I wasn't very happy that i couldn't get shirts printed before the event, to give to the members of staff at least etc Thus, i counted on my "written steemit giveaway" but even my internet wasn't going to work! 

There was a Baguio (storm&rain) there in Baguio and this suddenly affected everything even attendance. 

Even the nearby high school, had school activities suspended and all the students sent home due to the rains. 

Too, i was dead-stressed; "We went straight from Manila to the school"

Improvisation is key!

We managed to load up some of the steemit pages to be used, on limited internet, so that at least, they can be shown "some steemit" on the projector. I got on stage, did all apologies and began. 

Basically, my message was "i was once a student and to be a top-notch student, you will need some extra-curricular activities as found in "school of life"; an enabling environment to keep in tune with "world standard"; and a community of reputable like-minds etc and now more than ever before, it is possible to find all these things in one place: "steemit".

Next, was the money-part but that was really summarized! I spoke more about the potential of the currency "steem" and what "steem" is, in relation to "fiat"

During the speech, spreadsheets were passed around to gather their details; while @southparkqueen tried to spur further interest by engaging with the audience.

We also got passionate help from the students (organizers) as they helped us do most of the tasks; like taking pictures, organization etc

Interest in steemit, did fill the room before we left. This excitement became even more evident, when we were leaving and students round the school were waving to us and calling out on us etc. 

Hahaha, the thing is, when i was talking, i couldn't really look at every face, enough to recognize them afterwards. I simply picked out two or three people in the entire room to fix my eyes on!

I had plans of talking to "The Aquinos" but they left really instant. Heavy rain does have implications on daily activities in Baguio. The rain affected us too as we couldn't engage in further steemit activities. The opportunity to talk to the high school students as earlier planned also cancelled, because they were sent home as a result of the storm.

We know how to contact "The Aquinos" at a later date.

What Next?

For the first time in forever, i tried rest! I let myself be broken and gave in, to rest

I no longer know how to sleep but i rested. 

I created a Facebook closed group and the on-boarding is on-going and we will be having new steemians in a few days. One user "@luiiiocampo" has had his username approved etc

Close to 80 people reached via texts, emails and i think that is a good number as these students have a tendency to shine on steemit as in reality, "steemit fits what they do!"

There are many educational initiatives on steemit like @steemiteducation and that helps matters.

Overall, it is not totally about numbers! When these few new steemians have great testimonies, they will spread the news about steemit to others! When Dr. Cesar, starts to see the "steemit effect" & growth, in his students, he will be open to more steemit meetups. 

It is not hard for news to spread in the Philippines! Talk happens non-stop!

The day didn't end there! 

I was to attend a hangout carried out by @brindocorp, so as to incorporate steemit into an ISDEV 2017 event, containing another audience of tech-inclined youths and tech startups. 

So i had to prepare for that later in the day and that also went on to be successful. 

I will record details about sign-ups from that event. We already have @brindocorp and @thetechlicense signed up and many more to come but that will be documented in another interesting post.

Don't mind me, i am really passionate about youths and empowering them; because they need "mirrors" and "steemit" does hold "mirrors"!


Look at steemit as also a means to "empower people". 


If you can gather people to a gathering and you want to integrate "steemit" into the gather and you need an extra hand, location is no longer a barriers, for i or anyone versed in steemit can appear in a "google hangout" etc

Your Boy Terry


My community and steemit growth effort are very much among what i do as a witness, so i tend to promote my witness underneath my posts! So, if you consider voting for a witness, you may also want to vote on "steemgigs".

 If you would want to vote for my witness, click here, then type in "steemgigs" in the first search box! You don't need voting power to vote for a witness!

To join the Steemgigs Community or contact me directly, click here! 

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