BLOCKCHAIN UPDATE: All Human Life Has VALUE! - From @surfyogi and @wafrica

Steemcamp is such a great idea!

and so many great contributors that made STeemcamp a reality this year!

It puts Nigeria on the map for the Steem blockchain and the crypto community at large.

There is more creativity expressed in the Steemcamp schedule for 2018, in 1 week,
than I see from many organizations in a year...

I believe Steemcamp is the model program
were we elect our best and brightest to be OUR ambassadors to the world,
promoting a new way of life and a new society,
on a global scale.

Blockchain started with Bitcoin, but we are quickly evolving beyond !

We now run Distributed Apps on a blockchain that acts as a new operating system for the internet, with an economy built directly into it.

We call these Distributed Applications, DAPPS, and they are the reason we know, the blockchain is not a scam, and it’s not magic, and it is simply a new way to do everything better!

Dan Larimer is the inventor of the Steem blockchain and the underlying technology. He is a great inventor, engineer and architect of the tools, for a new way of living.

And Ned Scott, is the brilliant CEO of, and one of the people to watch
in this exciting new online trend of blockchain social media.

I encourage everyone to listen to these Pioneers' interviews, and hear what they have to say themselves.

The blockchain is a revolution.
It will create a new internet, upon which we can build strong communities,
powered by voluntary action of everyone committed to a common goal.

This type of community building, creates a new form of value, we can actualy trade with each other through tokens, and essentially create our own person to person currency.

This new model for the internet will be a THOUSAND times more powerful than the current internet we know today.

As we are able to share these new ideas with our friends, family and business owners in our local communities,
we are actually adding more value to these currencies.
As people create demand for these new forms of payment, they are valued much higher as the network grows.

I belive communities like SteemHelpingHands,
create a new model for blockchain AID organizations
that can make a difference.

The philosophy behind something, often defines it:
Words like “Volunteerism"

An economy can be based in large part on volunteerism.
Imagine taking the job you want, and not having to apply for that job,

but simply start doing it!

...voluntary means if you really want it, you just do it... and you are in.

Here is my job application, and here are my results, and start working.
No actual job interview, just take your place, and be a positive contributor.

This new system we have, everyone rises to their own level.

Another word: Agorism

The idea that government really can’t be corrected politically, and the only real solution is self-governance.

Self governance can work if we have the right tools, that motivate people to voluntarily be positive contributors to society.

When motivations are far stronger to contribute rather than to take advantage or steal from others, then the need for police, the military, and many other current governmental functions declines to almost zero!

These motivational provisions are baked very deeply into the Steem blockchain in the form of REPUTATION, upvotes and community oversight.

Top contributors will rise over time, and be recognized as the most valuable members of the community.

I’m going to focus now on my main premise:


All human activity should be monetized.
This is the new way of the blockchain.

Everything has become automated.
Factory jobs, and farming activity jobs are leaving the economy.
Those jobs will soon be GONE!

There are no manual labor activities in the new modern economy.
There is no longer any way to monetize those activities in the near future.

Driverless tractors, driverless cars, and robotics will replace these jobs, and we must find a new way forward.

So how DO humans continue to make a living?
How do they contribute value to the world?

In the United States, it is a very big question today.

Only people at the top are earning enough resources to live well!
If you are not working at Google, or Facebook, you are largely excluded from the current economy.
This situation excludes MOST people currently graduating from college, everywhere around the world.

Everything that human beings do should be of value.
We should not EXCLUDE!
We should be inclusionary..

Everyone needs a place to live, money in their pocket, and food to eat.
There are enough resources in the world to pay for every activity!

I believe now, all human activity will be monetized.
The problem with the system today, there are too many barriers to getting the job at Google.

The system is designed to EXCLUDE you right now.


We can create ANOTHER economy, that runs along side the existing economy.

An inclusionary economy that rewards all human activity.

Without all the GREED, Inefficiency, and without all the exclusion.

"View my video!" - and get paid to do so
“Upvote my video!” - and pay me for all my hard work
“ReSTEEM my video!” - and share it with your friends
“Comment my video..” - and tell me about the facts I missed and CONTRIBUTE to our community

The value of the internet is CONTENT.
Be CONTENT DRIVEN to be rewarded handsomely.
Set the example,
set the standard,
live the example,
and you will find you are respected and welcomed at every turn,
by like minded people that share your same goals.

The BEST example I know of:
Your activity is currently monetized! By FACEBOOK and WHATSAPP, they make billions of dollars every year from your activities.

Simply by carrying around your cellphone, your activities are being monetized.
The problem?

Someone else is… just a few people collect and keep all the value of your actions!

And share none of it with you.

Let’s talk for a moment about PAPER MONEY.

We call it FIAT currency.
We believe it has value.

But in reality, it has so many problems.
We are not going to be able to build Dreams on it.

This current system is failing.
It’s failing every day for people.
People are running out of money.
This fiat currency people save, will not allow them to retire.
The money is becoming more and more worthless every day thru inflation.

With the blockchain we can form a community around an Idea, and monetize it.

You literally have the same ability to create, as these fiat currencies.
And have the community decide the value of that Idea.

You really NEED TO take this seriously.
This is reality and is happening as we speak.
The world is transforming faster than we can possibly imagine!
Many young, energetic people like yourselves are doing this now, and supporting themselves with it, and it will grow incredibly fast as others see their successes!

Tokens have value and appreciate over time.

A lot more value, than this paper money we are carrying around in our pockets, that depreciates every single day.

I hope this video gives everyone some encouragement for how things are going.

When you get THIS concept, and you realize how powerful this is, it becomes a plan for the future.

A plan that will allow us to build our dreams.

Let us make this dream come true, and we shall have a healthier world.
I’m not just talking about physical health either..
I am talking about emotional health.

Richer lives and better feelings of Self Worth.
Healthier families and communities.

I feel like this is the most exciting thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Modern blockchains can change the world and our lives forever,
and this is truly,

the opportunity of our lifetime.

Too many people think good things can’t happen for them!

You just have to believe that they will,
and you have to participate.

That’s all you have to do.

Pascal said:
Given the certainty of death the only sensible option is to RISK for the POSSIBILITY of REWARD!

Only those who refuse the risk, ENSURE their end.


And to LIVE WITH THE HOPE that we have something GREAT in store.

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