Websites that you should know about..

Website yah, There are thousands of them,but which one is better?

1.., this website is definitely in the extremely useful.


It's called, "VirusTotal", and you may have
heard it before.It's actually owned by Google now, and what
it does is let's you upload any file, and it will be scanned with pretty much every
virus scanner software out there, which over 60 of them.This obviously can't replace having antivirus software on your computer scans individual files, but it's great if
you come across something suspicious.Maybe you download something and your antivirus
software says it's fine, but you want to be sure. Or maybe your antivirus says it's a virus,
but you think it could be a false alarm.In both cases, you can use VirusTotal to compare
it to all the other antiviruses to get a better idea.

2..Next up we have a quick one that's just for fun.

Windows 93:

It's called "Windows 93", which emulates a theoretical version of Windows that would have been from 1993. It's not exactly historically accurate, in fact it's mostly just humorous, but is actually surprisingly complex.It has an internet themed Wolfenstein game,a drawing program like paint,even Half Life 3, which apparently never finishes loading.

3..Alright another important one,called "HaveIBeenPwned".


It seems like all the time now, we hear about a new website getting hacked and passwords being leaked, but how are you supposed to know if YOUR data has been leaked.Well that's the point of this site.You just type in your email address, and it will tell your email address, along with your password and potentially other info, was included in any breaches in it's database.That way, you know to not only change your password on that site, but also never use that same password again.That's because hackers frequently use leaked databases to try email and password combinations on a bunch of sites.Another really important feature of this site
is you can sign up to receive an email notification if your email has been found in any future breaches going forward.

4..we have a site called "10 minute mail", which generates a temporary email address.for you that expires in 10 minutes.

10 Minute Mail:

This is great if you come across a website that requires you to sign up for an account to use, but you know you'll probably never use it again, and don't want to give away your real email. Now you can just sign up with a throwaway email address, get whatever you need the site, and leave.

Another use might be if you aren't sure whether a site is junk or not.You can sign up with a temporary email, and if it turns out to be legit, you can just make a real account or change to your real email.If the site ends up being useless, you won't have to worry about getting on any new spam list from it.

5..this one is pretty well known I think, which is "GetHuman".


This website is for any time you call customer service for any company, and you just can't seem to talk to a real person. With this, you type in a company, and it will connected to a human customer support agent, assuming it's possible. tell you exactly what steps to take to get in contact.


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