The Art of Saying Yassss Or Nahhh - AND WHY "YES" TO STEEMIT !!!

Hello Steemit Friends,

As children we were taught that "Yes" is a positive word and "No" is a negative word. When parents tempt to teach us, they expect a yes response to build and shape us as a well-rounded adult. When we grow up though, these two word not necessary represents its definition that direct. Circumstances and situations are more complex and answers we give can shift our lives to varieties directions. It is important that we understand what we are choosing and that we don't live forever but we live with the choices we make.


Yes and no may be two simple English words but they generate a vast array of mind-boggling complexities when they are incorrectly used. Imagine you are invited somewhere you do not feel like attending. In the inside, you are screaming no but you are trying not to offend others, so you say yes!.... Living life like this can be very draining


When it comes to saying Yes or No, Here are a few things that you should consider !



Know you cannot please everyone

It is impossible to please everyone Know where to draw the line because saying yes all the time can be draining. In addition to this, constantly saying yes may make people take advantage of you.

Know what you are saying yes to

Saying no automatically means saying yes or other opportunities. Therefore, it is important to know what you are consenting to.

Avoid details

When saying no, it is always best to keep your answer short and simple. Too many explanations may allow someone else to easily convince you otherwise.

Leave Some Room

Say maybe or possibly if you need time to think in circumstances that allows you to . Give yourself that space of being direct. Just remember to be clear and not misinterpreted.

Offer an alternative

Although you may not be of help, you could always offer suggestions. Finding other ways that the task could be done is the best way to go about it.

The good news is that the goods in life do not depend on you saying yes to everything. Just remember to say yes to your dreams, passions and what you want to achieve. Spend time around people who stimulate and challenge you.


As For Saying "Yes" by signing up on Steemit !!

Is another big step you have taken. What comes next is what you make of it !!. You are an early bird as this platform have not even reached 500,000 accounts yet. Do you see the potential growth ?!! As of June 2017, 51% of the world's population is on internet. That's approximately 4 billion potentials.

My dad was a stock market investor and one thing i remembered he told me clearly that the art of investment is that you want to find "Something Sexy", which means a good platform, with potential growth and an exciting future. When you find that, make sure you be a part of it. If it's good as you're confident that it is, people will realize that it's a "Hottie" and everyone will want a piece of it.

Steemit Is fineeeeeeee Alright !!! ;)

Good News is that we are in at the just the beginning !, And oh the sky is just the start !!!

Here's a good old Kanye West song !! On our journey there

I hope You enjoy this post guys

I always deeply appreciate your comments, upvotes and share.

Much Love, Suzana


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