Ben Garrison, an invitation to start using Steemit as part of your social media presence. [Updated - Be will look at Steemit]


Congratulations on your success so far, but more importantly, thank you for fighting the good fight.

I am inviting you to add Steemit to your social media portfolio, and I'm sure that many others in the Steemit community will chime in on this invite ;>

Since you are busy, I'll break this invitation into two parts:

  • Steemit is censorship resistant
  • Steemit can be financially rewarding

Steemit is censorship resistant

I saw a Tweet indicating that Sean Hannity was banned from Twitter today; we've all seen Assange go from Twitter banning to "restricted" status; even the President of the United States suffered a "technical malfunction" silencing his voice...God knows how many of us are shadow-banned on the main social media sites.

I'll be using some of your own words and images ( all property of GrrrGraphics) to illustrate this further...

The big platforms from Facebook to Reddit have long been known to silence speech they find offensive; a running joke on Reddit is to say that one had spezzed, not edited his comment

Facebook found it easier to shut me up than remove my tormentors. Why? Because lately it seems right-leaning libertarians and conservatives are assigned the blame. Milo Yiannopoulos has an Oscar Wilde-like wit that can hurt the feelings of the left and social justice warriors, but he should not be silenced because of “hurt feelings”. Twitter was out of line shutting down his free speech. He may have hurt your feelings, but if you’re willing to be in the public eye, then criticism must be expected
Free Speech Busters

On Steemit...
While your material can be voted down (flagged) for less visibility, it can not be edited or deleted by a site adminstrater; your account can not be banned, or deleted, or shadowbanned. We have seen abuses of social media systems on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit when posting material contrary to The Narrative results in censorship, have we not?
Why patriots should start using Steemit

This seems to be in line with your own views on supporting liberty through free speech...


We as private citizens need to reclaim and fight for our rights as enumerated in our Constitution. It’s time to speak out and express our outrage at the growing tyranny of Big Government.
About GrrrGraphics

Steemit can also prevent the damage done by trolls...

those who are effective can also face massive attacks from anonymous trolls who are out to shut down the free speech of those speaking out against government corruption.
Rogue Cartoonist: The Internet Perils of a Citizen-Muckraker

And it doesn't matter whether free speech is silenced by trolls, or propagandists solidifying a Narrative, trolls can "justify" censorship by the puppet-masters...

If we ban hate speech outright it means there will be someone out there who gets to decide what hate speech is—and that’s a noose we don’t want to see tightened. We don’t need censors and scolds telling us what we can say and cannot say. We don’t need commissars of free speech regulating the Internet.
Free Speech Busters

So how does Steemit prevent censorship?

Blockchain technology...
Basically, your post is copied entered onto the chain, copied onto multiple record sets/databases/computers, and passed onto each to verify that all databases are the same...
the record keeping is "Transparent and incorruptible"

Why patriots should start using Steemit

In addition, the biggest stake-holders in Steemit, those whose early investment, or success in writing and other words, those who have the greatest potential to harm or help you...are likely to support you!

The first adapters of this website are anarchist-capitalists (ancaps)...really, pure anarchists...and libertarians. They do not flag (downvote) for political differences

In the beginning, these were the bulk of users. Steemit is still in Beta (testing) mode, but has opened up to many users, most of whom see it as an opportunity to make money (I'll touch on this in a second).
Why patriots should start using Steemit

Steemit can be financially rewarding

I'm happy to see that you are being rewarded for your efforts to combat does make the struggle easier to keep at, doesn't it ;>

Through Patreon, he's even become a modest financial success, though he's quick to point out that the platform doesn't reward his worldview as much as others'. "Pro-tranny cartoons get 15 to 20 grand a month, but conservatives, we don’t get that kind of break."

...but another income stream never hurts!

Here I am, a no-name independent writer with little following outside Steemit, and I have won through my efforts a current value of $20,000 in stake, while pulling out several thousand in actual dollars over the last year.

Steemit rewards contribution through the upvotes of it's stakeholders, the more stake (Steem Power), a Steemer holds, the more his vote rewards the creator...without costing the stake holder any Steem capital of their own...AND IN FACT, EVEN REWARDING THEM WITH ADDITIONAL STAKE FOR DOING SO!

Yes, you can make money on Steemit. Until you have built a following of readers, it is not likely to pay much.

The payment system is complicated, other posts explain it better than I can, but I will simplify...
The more Steem Power a user has, the more their upvote (i.e "like") is worth in terms of system payments to the post creator.

The payments are issued based on a cryptocurrency called Steem

That is another reason I urge patriots to start participating on Steemit, to start building our networks.
Why patriots should start using Steemit

Thanks for reading this, Ben. I hope you take a good look at our social media platform, and consider joining up with us!

I can't help but add that your participation would add even more patriots to our community, and benefit us as well!

Support Ben and GrrrGraphics

@GrrrGraphics Twitter

Ben's Patreon


@jbgarrison72 got an answer from Ben; I'd suggest that we like and reTweet Ben's answer and let him know that we have an active community here!

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