I should have started the program few weeks back but I needed to spend somimages(12).jpge time to understand every aspect or should I say, almost all aspects on steemit since innovations are approaching.

Now am ready, I don't know what you may think about this but I believe that young people especially should be introduced to Steemit early enough so they could chart a financial future and also a more broad exposure through other articles found here in steemit.

I am approaching about four schools who will create an hour each for each class set which should amount to about four hours per week for each school. This means that I will be talking to about 800 young Nigerians (My country) about steemit for about 16 hours every week for a start. 🌟 I am excited already.

In my country, it's not quite easy to make a career, especially when you do not have already successful parents who have the connections needed to place you for a job. This is not necessarily an item of corruption but a notice of the very limited companies/ jobs available compared to the rising population of employable people (about 160 million estimated by last national figures).

Often than not, you would listen to government officials make passionate speeches on self empowerment and self employment and Peharps even creating Jobs for others to thrive too but the bad bet is that this same government in the past 60 years have not created enough structures to aid and abet young people who may want to do things differently, I mean be an enterpreneur. No structured loan facilities, no access to permanent power supply, no basic training or education in this direction and not even policies aiding this lonely trailers.

A simple look at this will show you where Steemit comes in. You own a steemit account at the age of say 13 and start growing it till you are 14 or 18, by then you can make decisions on what best will give you happiness while earning a decent living and chess what? You have some good money already in your account from steemit to break free or continue making a living online if you so desire.

This is the future, I hope to better the lives of my people. Crime is not an option.

My humble self

Eminimo Chantell


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