Steemit is a great place to be and I'm happy to be a part of it, BUT there is a cancer growing alarmingly fast. This cancer is hurting everyone that spends there time and effort to make a quality post. I know this is nothing new. I am not saying anything that you don't already know. I am just venting my frustration into the community. SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO VENT. I have high hopes for what I hope to do here on steemit, but honestly I get frustrated by the fact that those that are just posting over and over again things that they did not create are diluting the water so much, that there are too many original posts that will never be seen, never receive an upvote, in essence, never have been worth sharing. I'm concerned that too many people will see the situation for what it really is and leave out of frustration. This rotten aspect of the community has the potential to kill this platform. We are already overrun with this garbage.

I was disappointed at the recent post made by the makers of the community. It really didn't seem like this was on the radar of concerns. We need real solutions. Down voting isn't working. We need a system where someone who is caught plagiarizing repeatedly has their account shut down. I am still new here and I acknowledge that there is a lot that I still don't know here on steemit. So if there are solutions in the works, please tell me about them in the comments below. Please share your ideas on how this could be better monitored. I realize there are some blacklists, but how effective are they really?

I keep telling myself that this will be resolved. I have hope that it will be. Honestly, this is not what this community is supposed to be about. How will we wade through the mess when it get's far worse than it already is?

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