How NOT to Use STEEMIT: Don't Be a Castrated Pushover

The title can be a bit aggressive, granted, but I'm sure you know by now that Steemit has plenty of pushovers and kissasses, pardon my French.

Heck, you may even be one of those and identify with the terms, but figure it's the only way to progress.

This post will touch sensitive information and flag war topics as well.

Well, in today's guide I'm going to let you in on a secret:

  • You don't have to be a "Yes Man" to grow on Steemit.

As a matter of fact, you lose all of your personality if you just becom a pushover that is always chasing after bigger users trying to get their vote.

Lately, I've been awakening to the fact that STEEMIT is a land of castrated pushovers, heck even spammers spam with

"This is the best post on Steemit. Thank you, I learned so much with that nice post bla bla" - Average Spammer

Let me tell you why not being a pushover is nice in a way that even pushovers will undertand.

Stop Kissing Ass: Smart People Smell It From Afar

Listen, there's a difference between being nice, being supportive or being a pushover.

I make a ton of comments per day, and I'm pretty supportive. I encourage people, I support them in order to put them in a mood to create more content, and I'm a friendly guy!

However, you won't see me on certain steemian's walls praising their job... because I don't like them. And that's fine!

You can not like certain people, it's human nature. Steemit is a community that thrives on cooperaation, but cooperating with someone you despise simply isn't viable.

You'll find your own community and you just have to be on the lookout for likeminded individuals.

I've seen people treat others like crap and they still pamper the abusers because they have a bigger upvote... that just kills me.

To witness abuse and to see the abused sucking it up just for financial benefit...

...and Steemit is full of that, just look around!

Have Some Self-Esteem and Self-Love!

I have a friend here on Steemit, @anjkara, who was being bossed around by a bigger Steemian.

She didn't cower and instead spoke her mind and basically sent a big F U to the abuser. She got flagged, but eventually she passed that phase and she's better off now, with new company, people who like her and treat her well.

If you're too afraid to stop being ordered around, you'll never get out of that someone's shadow.

On the other side, I see some communities here that have what I would call the cult of the leader. They all pamper the leader and put them in a pedestal when some of them don't even like said person.

Constantly denying your own feelings, emotions and principles - along with ethics and morals - ISN'T HEALTHY!

Stop self-destroying yourself.

About the Flag War: Just Stay Out Of It? Sticking Your Head in the Sand

There's currently a flag war going on.

It could be between two parties, but it's not. It's about the community as its whole.

What happens is that most people, including those with the power to change something, are too apathetic and afraid to do anything at all.

I witnessed some cases in which I saw people burrowing their heads in the sand even when it affected them directly because they were too afraid to step out or even stand for themselves.

Is this the "new age" we're trying to create?
Is this the ambiance we want to create for the Steem blockchain? One where people can't even speak their mind without being flagged to oblivion?

I was flagged once and I have a lot of friends who were flagged on here as well... they still keep going.

And most of all, it's the little guys getting harmed, and even those keep on going... imagine if bigger people would step up to fight for what they believe in... there's only so much voting power to flag.

Sorry for the rant, but I've just been hearing about people who are against some things yet they sit idle because...


They don't want trouble.


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