My Steemit Tweak Request of the Day


It would be a huge time-saver if, on opening the comments and replies pages, all of the unread remarks from fellow Steemians would show up in a specific-colored hyperlink form. As is, everything appears grayed; and, makes it more difficult to monitor which comments have been read, without actually opening the post.

It would be extremely helpful to see, at a glance, the posts that potentially require feedback, versus those that have been read. I, and maybe many others, spend futile time opening posts previously addressed, to be sure of addressing all feedback.

Perhaps, someone has a workaround for monitoring replies. My highest regard is keeping a given post interactive, especially while the primary writing is still current. Therefore, if you are in-the-know with Steemit developers, or maybe you are an app developer, perhaps you can help remedy, this small, yet vital request.

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