I'm Closing my Steemit Account,Why ? I Really love that..

I'm closing the Steemit account, why?

I will probably never know ,
but by creating an account via steem.ninja, basically 4 passwords have been generated for me. The owner key, active key, posting and backup ..
Yesterday, wanting to connect my account with busy.org or partiko, I was speechless ...

No one of the codes generated by steem.ninja did not work .. Trying to solve the problem I reported to the channel on the discord SteemDevs where @fabien tried to help me with my strange problem. Thank you for that. After a long conversation, we came to the conclusion to write to steem.ninja where I purchased access to the account .. They did not write back. So I decided to create a new account this time by steemconnect and I invite you guys there :) All posts from current account will be transferred to new ones. ---

New Account: som7thing

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