Quality over Quantity: What will the future of Steemit look like and is your self worth only a few cents ?

With Steemit's popularity growing faster by the minute, with more and more users signing up . I noticed a trend on here that is getting more popular by the minute as well.

This trend is similar to people asking for other people to follow them. I have been guilty of this as well. However I came to the realization that unlike other social media sites, Steemit is in a class of its own with a ton of potential to be the top social media site in the near future. Inorder for it to be the top site , in my opion we shouldn't ask for people to follow us and in return we follow them back.We should let the quality of our posts and comments gain followers for us.

With that said I don't think that approach is anywhere near as bad and cringeworthy as "THE TREND" I noticed recently that can cause Steemit's future identity to morph into a site that is filled with threads and comments that have no depth to them and filled with virtual panhandlers as the user base.

The threads I am talking about are threads where people post, with an array of requests from fellow members. Inorder to make some members do these things these creators of these posts will give out free Steem Dollars.

Sure a lot of people love contests and free stuff, and an occasional give away can be fun, but after doing some searches on Steem, I came across hundreds of thousands of posts where people are asking others to do the following to win some Steem Dollars (SBD) or they will give them a fraction of SBD if they did the following(once again I too was guilty for falling for this trick, one time though):

  1. Resteem their post
  2. Comment in the post (some even have a 2 sentence minim)
  3. Upvote their post
  4. Follow them

After seeing several more posts along similar lines I realized I was bamboozled the time I participated in one of these last week.

As you can see in the pictures below the amount of posts asking for followers for money is rediculously high. Though with searches like this not all posts are asking for money to follow, resteem, etc . But a majority of the results are just that.



Next time you come across a post requesting you to do a number of things for a little amount of SBD or a chance to win SBD ask yourself if it is worth your time, energy and pride to do those things for that user? If they post quality content then it might be of value to help them out or just follow them.

If you want followers then create quality content yourself.

In conclusion Steemit is still really new and for it to continue to grow we must all have the mindset of looking at the site with a long term perspective. That means not look to gain a quick buck or in this case a few cents by giving into these posters demands and resteemig posts that serve no real value. Instead check out posts that are new and if it has good info resteem that and even follow them to have your home feed filled quality content. Also if you post quality content the favor will be returned.

This approach will give Steemit members, followers who are actually active and invested to the site. Thus quality over quantity will help you earn more money as well. What good is having 2000 followers when 1800 of them don't even read, comment, or upvote what you write?

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