Mark Zuckerberg is such a hypocrite


If you are on Facebook as I assume many people are, check out Mr. Zuckerberg's latest post which was on the 4th of July. He mentions how he went to Alaska recently and found out that they have a form of basic income for its residents called Permanent Fund Dividend. Basically this fund is that a portion of the state's Oil Revenue is put aside and then given out to residents annually, which is approximately $1000.

I ended up commenting to a few people's responses on his post who were supporting his stance on basic income, as well as others who called him a greedy fraud since he is worth billions of dollars.

My comments were along the lines of calling him out for the shadow bans on Steemit posts that I have read several blogs on Steemit about Facebook doing whenever a Steemit member posts a link to Steemit on Facebook.

If Mr.Zuckerberg actually wants to make universal basic income a reality he has the ability to do so by transforming the billion dollar platform his company is to compensate the users for posting content and participating in Facebook. Similar to how it is done on Steemit. However if he does that with his precious company then poor Marky Mark will not make the multiple billions of dollars he makes annually with Facebook.

So I just chuckle whenever I hear him try to talk about implementing basic income in the news lately because he is doing that not that he actually cares, but to make the company and himself look good and make himself more billions of dollars that he does not need.

The irony is I hear skeptics talking about Steemit being a scam, yet the real scam is Facebook and they continue to waste their time on there instead of using their time wisely and make some money while browsing and participating in social media

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