Reevaluating My Time

A little over a week ago, I started Steeming hardcore again after being pretty idle for a few weeks. Starting out, the renewed dedication had me bright eyed and bushy tailed. I started the never forget series, and started the #steemandme challenge, it's really cool reading everyone's perspectives!

Then something happened. Yesterday, and the day before, I had a couple of conversations about steem, and the struggles we are having. Since then it's just been nagging at me.

Today, I had to drive my daughter to the dentist 45 minutes away. Much of the travel time, I found myself evaluating the time spent here.


It probably takes an average of 10 minutes for me to make a comment. One reason is because I use my phone, and that takes longer than typing, and another reason is because I want it to be perfect. They are often a paragraph or two in length.

I looked at my comment to reply ratio from the last 7 days and did the math. I made 33 comments that no one replied to. That's around 5 hours that resulted in no engagement.

80 of my comments were not upvoted. That's about 13 hours of time.

Counting up the amounts of the comments that were upvoted, I made $3.05. I wrote 145 comments total.

This isn't considering the posts, which take 1 to 5 hours. The highest one was around $18. The time taken to research and write this one was 4-5 hours.

I'm not complaining, these are just the facts.

Don't misunderstand, I'm grateful for the positives.

This is just sinking in hard today. I feel so many things right now, and have so many thoughts, but I really don't want to go into detail about everything I think and feel.

snowpea ❤


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