Steemit Naming Contest: Codename our mobile app!

Just like last time, I'm holding a contest to pick the codename for our mobile app.

On the app stores and stuff it will be known as Steemit, just as this website is known as However, the software that runs this website is called condenser (because it makes steem visible - get it?) and was named by @pfunk, winning him a cool thousand STEEM-backed cents.

Our mobile app has been codenamed mbl (clever, eh?) and now that we're setting up proper CI and CD in anticipation of a release, we need a decent name!

Same rules as last time: ONE THOUSAND STEEM-backed cents as prize money, I'm the sole judge of the entries, and I'll pick a winner in about a week. Leave your submissions in the comments, and comment/enter as many times as you'd like.

Preferred: pronounceable words or names 20 characters or less.

Averse: initialisms and abbreviations, multi-word names, et c.

It should be clear and unambiguous without spaces or capitals or punctuation, as it will end up at<your name here>.

Good luck, and thank you!

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