Good Morning Steemit

Hello steemitters, Today I want let you guys know my intentions for this page. Right now I’m on a mission to raise my steem power so I can give back more to the community. My current sp is 289, so my goal is to reach 400 sp by the end of August. I’m sure I can reach this goal just by being active within the steemit community. By active I mean posting at least one post a day. Interact with other users by upvoting, commenting or even resteeming their post if I find it useful to share with others.

Following Good stories.......

Although I would love to follow everyone on this steemit platform, doing so will clutter the feed and make it hard to discover those true gems. I want to do a steem power challenge with anyone willing to participate. Let’s see how much sp we can gain without cashing out. In other words set all your post to earn sp instead of the 50/50 payout.

If you are up for the challenge simply leave a comment below and I will provide you with further instructions on how this will work. Hopefully this sparks the fire in all the users to challenge themselves to become better steemiteers.

**Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and hopefully you guys will be up for the challenge. I’m looking forward to seeing the results of this new system I’m using. **


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