The Boss and The Leader of today


Basically, as humans once we are given a leadership position, we believe we are leaders. Well today I'll like you to understand that having a position or being in charge of a team doesn't make you a leader. It only keeps you ahead if others.

So, today we will be talking about the difference between a leader and a boss, we'll be talking about this because of the fact that the number one reason why a high population of people quit their jobs is because of a bad boss. Therefore in this post, we will be comparing the terms boss and leader according to their characteristics.

Before we begin the comparison, I'd like us to know what these two terms mean.


This means a person who oversees and directs the work of others; can also be said to be a superior as he/she is in charge of a company or business.



A leader is one who leads or directs and goes first to be followed.


So let's compare;

Comparison 1 - Intimidation/Inspiration

A boss uses his position to demand respect and finds a way or the other to show his authority on everyone. Instead of earning respect, he takes it by force doing whatever he can to maintain his power and control.

A leader Helps his team to learn and grow by inspiring them and not forcing it on them.
He gives his team or his group challenges to deal with by recognising their strength and improving their weaknesses.
Watching Vs Teaching

The concept of teaching and watching is very simple as the meaning isn't far fetched and is understandable to the lay man.

A boss gives orders and watch you carry them out while a leader teaches you through completing the set task.

A boss watches every move you make and analyzes every mistake, always criticizing his team and treathens when performance is poor.

A leader looks for ways to improve his team, he praises them for success with a task and is always around the corner to help whenever a need arises.


Comparison 3 - Hands off Vs Hands on

Generally, bosses drop tasks for the team after making decisions and leaves the team to do all the work. He is not bothered about the status of the job or project except he is being affected by it, this usually disturbs the outcome of projects.

Meanwhile, a leader brings the task to his team and works along with them in carrying out the set target and making sure that each member of his team is fully inclined in the process and there is always a positive outcome to that.

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Thanks for taking out time to read my work, I really appreciate.

_i remain my humble and loyal girl who is trying to make common sense _


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