America is moving nuclear weapons into Romania - Analysis

Dancing with the Russian Bear , Nuclear Musical Chairs with the Islamic axis of evil

The Obama administration and it's sycophantic generals are backing the world into a nuclear corner. This pack of progressive, useful idiots have upset the balance in the middle east by throwing Israel under the bus while at the same time weakening every Arab state in the region in favor of Iran. These misbegotten machinations led to turmoil and a recent coup in Egypt, the collapse of Libya and Syria, and over half a million killed. Jordan is hanging on by a thread. The old secular Arab dictators were the glue that held things in check, these American and European "progressives" took them out and they were replaced with the leaders of a death cult form of Islam. The leadership of Israel is wanting so badly to be the American 51st state and be in the good graces of the US, but like a puppy whipped by it's owner, it's whining and trying to lick the abusers boots.

Look it's no secret to anyone who's paying attention that Erdogan of Turkey is a radical Muslim who is intent on resurrecting the caliphate. If you get out much, you will be familiar with the concept in the radical Muslim world that they are doing battle with the crusaders in the present age. That's right, they haven't forgotten the stinging defeat of the Muslim hordes when they were driven out of Europe and much of Israel by the Christians between the 11th and 15th centuries. For those of you who haven't caught on yet, history is repeating itself. The Muslims are advancing in the western world and the west is clueless how to counter it.

Why is the movement of Nuclear Weapons to Romania so dangerous?

Whether you view it as calculated or as gross incompetence, the United States and Europe together have destabilized the middle east and at the same time thru action and inaction, have managed to provide all funds and weapons ISIS needs. There have been many media reports of the abandonment of huge caches of conventional weapons that were parked in Iraq to ISIS. ISIS even the more "moderate" Arab states have trafficked in slaves, drugs and oil while at the same time claiming to be the pillars of Islam.

Seeing western weakness, Erdogan is moving out of NATO and into alliance with Iran. Recently, Erdogan created a false flag coup attempt against himself to eliminate his internal opposition and then he surrounded the US airbase in a "protective cordon" and grounded US aircraft. The US ever late to react, has decided to remove about 20 of the estimated 70 nukes on the airbase to Romania.... right into Vladimir Putin's backyard. The rest need to come out in order to keep them out of reach of the Islamists. Now Putin is not about to take moving US Nukes into his backyard sitting down, he has been repeatedly provoked by the Obama administration. With event after event in the Ukraine beginning with the widely published leak of US diplomat Victoria Nuland calls confirming the US-EU Regime-Change Plot in Ukraine a few years ago. This was rapidly followed by the US moving military units into the region, as well as anti-missile batteries directed at Russia.

Obama just keeps poking the Russian bear in the nose, meanwhile Putin has out maneuvered him at every turn.

All of these events serve to upset the status quo. The Russians as a race are very paranoid, Putin is an old line KGB officer who is more experienced and sharper than Obama and his political puppet Generals by magnitudes of order. These new provocations by the US moving nukes closer to Russia will trigger more aggressive moves by Russia worldwide. In recent months, Russia has increased the probing of US military defenses and flying bombers ever closer to the US borders. These events are rapidly escalating toward the old Cold War level of tensions.

Add to all this, the absolute rabid mental condition of Iran and the axis of Radical Islam, who might at any point trigger some event that could confuse the matters to such an extent that the Russians and the US come into conflict. In fact, it could be that a deliberate provocation will be created by Iran to set these events in motion. The western world lives in the delusion that a flaccid display of force will deter ISIS and the Axis of Radical Islam. This muslim radical axis of evil firmly believes from their holy books that in order to bring the muslim messiah they must "set the world on fire." They take this as a literal injunctive. It means that they must start WWIII and they will use nukes to set the world on fire. As with any martyrdom operation, they believe the muslim world will suffer heavy losses also, to them, this is the acceptable price to bring their messiah. It illustrates a critical point in why the west cannot defeat radical Islam. The radical Islamists practice their form of religion with fervor and work to actualize it. The west has abandoned it's religious roots and flounders in a narcissistic fog of "progressive" thought. The west has no foundations, no anchor, everything is relative to political correctness and constantly declining moral standards which are promulgated by the media.

The Iranians are not stupid - just fanatical, they are watching the misbegotten moves of the west and playing one nation against the other. The mullahs in Iran could very well throw a lit match (nuke) right into the gasoline that is being poured out between Russia and the West.


The writer of this article is an NSA trained Analyst who served on covert assignments during war time and "peace" time. He was the briefing analyst to the Joint General of Staff in a combat theater. He was also awarded a commendation medal for his lead role in the establishment of the first European All Source Intelligence Analysis Center. He worked in tactical intelligence operations in the continents of Asia and Europe.

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